Over the last few weeks ive noticed said trucks parked up overnight in laybys, im not having a dig but I feel you drivers with Hay or Straw on seem too stick out like a saw thumb, I wouldn’t like to go to sleep at night with said goods on I don’t think I could sleep with fear of being set on fire, I know we are all at risk at night where ever we park but some more than others. What do you guys think■■? 
Talking about hay and straw lorries, Andy Finnel in Halifax decided to upgrade his 10 year old Scania (which was very lovely with all the bells and whistles) for a brand spanking new V8 Scania with even more bells and whistles. Absolutely beautiful, or at least it was until it decided to fall over in its first week of work. I heard that whilst unloading, the mid lift decided to rise and it fell over due to the weight on one side. Gotta feel for the guy.
I’m on general haulage and amongst other things ,carry the odd load of straw . Ok I’ve done two so far this year .
I certainly wouldn’t park in a town overnight , give me a nice quiet layby anyday . I think I was more worried about getting a knock on the door at midnight from the "cottagers ". Than someone setting the load alight 
I was parked at the layby near the top of birdlip hill if anyone knows it 
Great load, stick an old unit on the front ,fully insured and whoosh, or you can travel down the motorway and watch the cretins flick out butts as they pass bye.Every job has
it’s perks and hazards…live with it.
You have to strap the big hestons on over the back end well as the farmers squash them on from behind after so long they start to expand until a stack falls of the rear!you used to see lots of lost bales down the side of the river bridge in Gainsborough .
Its more a thread about going to sleep at night and not being burnt to the ground but thanks for the pics
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Talking about hay and straw lorries, Andy Finnel in Halifax decided to upgrade his 10 year old Scania (which was very lovely with all the bells and whistles) for a brand spanking new V8 Scania with even more bells and whistles. Absolutely beautiful, or at least it was until it decided to fall over in its first week of work. I heard that whilst unloading, the mid lift decided to rise and it fell over due to the weight on one side. Gotta feel for the guy.
and how would that make it fall over?
Talking about hay and straw lorries, Andy Finnel in Halifax decided to upgrade his 10 year old Scania (which was very lovely with all the bells and whistles) for a brand spanking new V8 Scania with even more bells and whistles. Absolutely beautiful, or at least it was until it decided to fall over in its first week of work. I heard that whilst unloading, the mid lift decided to rise and it fell over due to the weight on one side. Gotta feel for the guy.
and how would that make it fall over?
I have no idea - I wasn’t there. Just noticed that he was using his old wagon again. When I asked the question, that was the answer I got. . . . I suppose unloading one side, and then the other will make it lean a fair way.
I have had it happen , a truck torched on the side of the road, we either now park up at the farm where we loaded or at the farm where we deliver, nowhere else, just too risky nowadays
I wonder if any straw hauliers have been done for insecure lad when it blows off? Must be annoying for motorcyclists as much as dust off a tipper? It annoys me as it always attachs itself to my wipers.