Having your say to the top

IF (and its still a big IF) A UK Director of one of the Truck Manufacturers was willing to come on this site and take questions from YOU the end user of his products…
Live in the chatroom about his products, the industry in general, and the future for us all

Would you be interested in taking part??

As far as we know this has never been done before, and if it happens it will be an experiment on both sides.

There would be stringent rules on what was acceptable as a question…(No point in asking the guy at the top of the tree why your local dealer failed to fix that blown tail light bulb on its last service)

Also general comments like" your trucks are crap". wouldnt be acceptable, valid criticism of design faults with their vehicles might be(E.G. why are fridges not standard )

It could give those taking part an idea of where the Truck manufacturers think the industry is headed and also provide them with an idea of what the man/woman in the truck thinks about the future.

We would have to restrict the numbers taking part, at present we are thinking about an early evening Friday live chat for @ 30-45 minutes with the Truck Guy and @ 15 TruckNet UK members

Is this a good idea… do you want to take part? or is it a terrible idea…PLEASE VOTE ABOVE IN THE POLL
The TruckNet UK team

now if it was the MINISTER FOR TRANSPORT i would definately vote yes

I think it would be a good idea, and could be carried forward to other industrries, although the boss of Sainsburys RDC security would need to be a very brave man indeed :stuck_out_tongue:

How about a live chat with Ken Livingstone about the London lorry ban?

I’d take part.

I’d like to ask why it appears to be beyond the wit of mankind to design an ignition switch with two key removeable positions.

One that allows the radio/windows/wipers/heater fan, and the horn for the dumb mutt trying to get on the next bay, :smiley: (Not forgetting, of course, the ■■■ lighter), to still function, and a second position that isolates all accessory functions. Obviously the people they use for evaluation and Beta testing are closeted well away from the coalface.

A second question would be as to why Smoke Alarms are not fitted in all sleeper cabs as standard.

I’d also like to ask why controls required to be used for daily checks, are not grouped close to the door. i.e. lights, hazard warning, rear fogs. Volvo seem to manage it, but with other makes, the driver has to climb into the cab, only to have to climb out again. :confused:

I’d also be asking, that considering the ‘comforts’ demanded by the modern driver in relation to rest period entertainment/facilities, were they considering a third battery to power solely supplementary items such as T.V.'s, DVD players, computers, cool boxes, kettles, etc, and considering incorporating high amperage outlets within the loom.

And that’s only the start. :laughing:

Dont know if i would have much to say apart from the design in trucks for tall people but i would,nt mind sitting in on it.

OH i have got loads to ask. Opposite to Jammy in that i am only 5’ tall. Just who do they consult when redesigning an interior… the list goes on

Yes could be good idea, and I would like to take part, I could be slighlty biased towards a certain manufacturer, bet you can’t guess which one.
But, I would prefer the Truck manufacturer to make a normal post on the forums so we all can take the time to ask questions and point out poor or good design feature etc.

good idea but i’m not that interested in talking to these guy’s as i find that when you talk to there employees and tell them what’s happening, they look at you as if your stupid and don’t know what your talking about.so i doubt if we’d get any responce from the directors of a said company.but why don’t you get a list of questions from all the trucknet members and you’s hand the questions to them and let them reply to them.then you’s can put the answers that you get up here for all to read. this way it save’s you’s having to limit the amount of members that are allowed to take part.this would be a fairer system than having to pick and choose the ones you’s want. :wink:

Not a bad idea at all. Just how big is the “IF”?

Krankee has covered most of the points I would have asked, and KitKat has brought a very valid point, why not a list of questions to give to this “UK Director” then he/she can come prepared with well researched answers.

I would like to see gas detectors incorporated into the smoke alarms, to cover the possibility of gas attack. The technology is there, just apply a bit of thinking and it can be done.

As for Wheelnut asking for a live chat with Ren Ken, I didn’t know Ken was still alive, I thought he was a glove puppet.

Now wouldn’t that be a novel idea, an actual government minister talking to a mere driver, Naaaaah, sorry Rikki, I don’t think even you could pull that one off, and no, I haven’t got a hat.

Not a bad idea, but aren’t there enough ways to skin a cat already? What I mean to say is that the subject matter would be rather limited. This is only my opinion but how about a weekly topic with an invited speaker in that field i.e truck manufacturer one week, RDC spokesperson the following week and so on?

it would be nice to hear why they leave out the most basic things

how about a weekly topic with an invited speaker in that field i.e truck manufacturer one week, RDC spokesperson the following week and so on?

All very well and good, but it’s taken months to try and set up this one, and there’s still no guarentee that it will happen - hence the poll to see what you all think of the idea…a poll which, incidentally, is being watched with interest by people in far higher places than us!!! :wink:

It’s a time thing, I’m afraid…Rikki and myself both drive full-time as well as running this site, and there are only so many hours in a day!!! :grimacing:

I think it would be a good idea, but I am fairly new to this game, having only ben driving for 10 months, and I generally find that when talking to other drivers about trucks, we all like different things.

For example I really liked the interior of the 4 series scania topline. I thought it was well laid out, and very comfortable, and in contract I hated every minute I spent in the new R-series topline as it was all totally wrong in my opinion. Whereas all the other drivers I have spoken to have disagreed about the 4 series, and have mixed reactions to the R-series.

I would take part though if the oportunity arose, as I think that it is always good to get a wide range of opinions when discussing issue’s like this.

Friday Night is bad for me as I aint got internet access in the holiday home yet :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

But one Major Question from me would be, Why do they not Fit Hourguards as standard or give them to the buyers for the drivers as a freebie :blush: :blush: :blush:

Okay I’ve picked up my hat and coat and left :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Davey Driver:
Friday Night is bad for me as I aint got internet access in the holiday home yet :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

But one Major Question from me would be, Why do they not Fit Hourguards as standard or give them to the buyers for the drivers as a freebie :blush: :blush: :blush:

Okay I’ve picked up my hat and coat and left :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Don`t be embarrased, Davey - one of the golden rules of sales is never miss an opportunity :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
PS. I think it would be a good idea for drivers to put their views directly to truck manufacturers, but would be unable to take part, due to my erratic finishing times

I would welcome the opportunity to speak with someone that can actually tell us why trucks nowadays are designed without regard to the drivers wishes. So I think it’s a great idea but like the others perhaps a list of questions would be best so that all can get a say.

it would be a good idea to meet someone from the top…and at least put our views…but would they take any notice ■■..i have always moaned at the lack of cab space regardless of the make…and yet whilst we do not welcome such huge monsters like some of the american trucks on our roads, it certainly would be great to be able to stand up and move about especially when a lot of drivers spend most of their working life away from home…as a lot of you know, i have a motorhome, now why couldnt manufacturers mount a body of a motorhome behind a day cab situation, thereby giving drivers areal home from home, with washing facilities, shower, cooking facilities, and a lounge to get a proper rest and relaxation, and built in the chassis would be fresh water supplies, and a waste water tank…what a dream but the only way to get one of those would be to build it yourself.because the manufacturers would find the cost too much…which is why no one we talk to would give us what we want because of the competition in price…
have a nice day

Davey Driver:
Friday Night is bad for me as I aint got internet access in the holiday home yet :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

But one Major Question from me would be, Why do they not Fit Hourguards as standard or give them to the buyers for the drivers as a freebie :blush: :blush: :blush:

Okay I’ve picked up my hat and coat and left :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Why dont they build some kind of timer in that operates on the ignition key instead of having to press the button■■?.

Why dont they build some kind of timer in that operates on the ignition key instead of having to press the button■■?.

There is a timer like that already but at £350 + installation costs by a registered tacho centre it is proving too expensive, along of course with the fact you cant take it from Truck to Truck, so it’s okay if your a regular truck man, but no good for agency lads. :wink: :wink:

it is a good idea

but from a fleet drivers point of view proberbly not productive as we dont really get a say in what we drive. :cry: ,

on the other hand it woul be a good idea for owner drivers/wannabes to ask questions about the product…
