Have you Purchased an Hour Guard Recently?

I Would just like to bring it to users attention that If you have purchased a Driver Hour Guard Timer recently you may wish to call DTS on 0845 129 8592 to enquire about the validity of the 12 months warranty.

You’ll be wasting your time going to Their Website

I use Firefox and according to the Page data its dated 16th March

The CE02 is known to be tempermental so i’d be surprised if it lasts more than 12 months trouble free (The last batch that came into the country were faulty and the PCB’s changed by someone with no knowledge of the Timer)

They were still selling them on Ebay earlier this month so whether they have just sold out or trying to get out before the warranty returns come in (Or they may have had a few back this month■■?) I dont know, but it may be worth getting a refund if you’ve just bought one in the last couple of weeks from nightowl etc.

According to the link in your post they’ve now ceased trading.

i have used tac trak for nearly 20 years not a bit of bother from it.im on seconed one due to spilling coffe all over first one. maybe thats an alternative (bit more expensive tho)

According to the link in your post they’ve now ceased trading.

Yep thats the Point of my posting, this thread, I’ve said for a number of Months that he intended closing the company.

just out of Curiosity I thought I would see if he was still selling them on Ebay, but being nosey thought I’d look and see what he’s been buying lately.

cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? … 0082923676

Approx 3 weeks before the company ceased trading :wink: :wink:

Now there’s one thing I have never made public despite all the past happenings but I can assure you, He only has limited money coming in from the government :wink: hence the reason he resigned as director in March last year and put his daughter down as the director. :wink:

What annoys me is the fact he has continued to take money from customers knowing full well he would not be fulfilling the warranty obligation, at the very least they should of been sold at a reduced price on the understanding there was no long term warranty

Ive Just been to your site and it look like you also have stoped trading.
So what happens About the ce2 i bought of you, and what happens about the free update you promised ?

Well I had sent this as a PM in response to your PM so I’ll just post it here :wink:

Hi Mike

Firstly let me point out that I have Not been involved with Driver Time Solutions for over 13 months now.

I have endeavoured to make it public knowledge over the past 12 months that DTS would not be in a position to carry on trading and were simply trying to make a fast few quids selling the timers.

At the present time both for financial and health reasons I am unable to complete the update for the timers, however, I do hope to be in a position to do so at a later date.

The Guarantees I had in place will still be honoured by myself as and when it is possible.

It is my understanding (But I may be wrong) that DTS have ceased trading not liquidated or gone bust, but basically shut up shop as they have made their money.

I’ve e-mailed them asking for details of Administrators as I am owed £1500 and I’m now waiting to see what materialises from that.

Obviously when I know the full facts they will be posted on the Truckdrivers Websites

Best Regards
