Have you pulled one - was it good?

Not seen any long trailers on the road yet - has anyone pulled one and more to the point how did it manoeuvre in a limited space (not a huge yard area where you could turn a 777!) :smiley:
Pity the poor bugger with this one! :smiley: :smiley:


[zb] that on a windy day :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

[zb] that on a windy day :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Especially when its empty - perhaps the driver should keep a couple of packs back just in case :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

We got alone of the currie european Kelloggs trailer to test on our factory dock doors making sure it could get on them safely. Never got a shot but it was parked next to me the trailer is the same length as my trailer and unit combined. We got 30 in the government trial dont know if any have got the go ahead to be built though.

Oh and we never once used currie european as a subby, now they are getting used regular its amazing what happens when you do a company a favour :wink:

Is that an eldis motor in the picture?

In case anyone is interested, the list of operators with authorisation for longer trailers can be viewed at assets.dft.gov.uk/publications/t ā€¦ n-list.pdf

dunno about the merc, but there is a fagan and walley trailer to the right.

What a hideously ugly trailer. Shouldnā€™t expect much else though, Britain does have some of the most awful looking truck combinations in the western world.

Ive only seen one and its one of curries, were meant to have some at the mail and could do with one o my run some days but doubt we`d even get 1

I saw a Gray & Adams Tesco Fridge last week on the A17! I imagine anyone whoā€™s pulled a command steer trailer isnā€™t going to find it any different!
Canā€™t really tell a lot of difference!
The list is quite interesting, good to see its not all the big players that have got them all, although they do have the bigger share! Very surprised to see TH Clements of Boston on there!!
Anyone want to bet how long it is until the logistics companyā€™s start giving it ā€œyou need a day with driver trainerā€ yawn yawn!!
I can hear it now!
I also reckon these trailers will become accepted as the norm in ten years or before, I think itā€™s a way of making the environ-mentalists as the government continue to bleat on about climate change!

[zb] that on a windy day :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Why ? ā€¦ itā€™s only 14ā€™ 6" at the most, when I pulled my very first tautliner it was 16ā€™ 6" high and like driving sailing ship on dry land. The length should make no difference, trailers here are mostly 53 ft long and it makes no difference in high winds.

Pat Hasler:

[zb] that on a windy day :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Why ? ā€¦ itā€™s only 14ā€™ 6" at the most, when I pulled my very first tautliner it was 16ā€™ 6" high and like driving sailing ship on dry land. The length should make no difference, trailers here are mostly 53 ft long and it makes no difference in high winds.

Looking at that pic, Iā€™d go over 15ā€™ myself Patā€¦ That truck looks to be running 4m, and the trailer towers over it by a hell of a lot more than a foot.

Better start upping the agency rates!

Companies will be making more money by using these trailers, it will take a bit more care and attention from the driver, so they could afford to pay a premium for pulling these.

Bet they donā€™t though.

we have one one at our place only thing that worries me is we struggle to get in to some places with a normal trailerā€¦they will expect us to get in same places with these.
also where is a weighbridge long enough to fit the whole unit and trailer onā– ā– ?

yorkshire terrier:
we have one one at our place only thing that worries me is we struggle to get in to some places with a normal trailerā€¦they will expect us to get in same places with these.
also where is a weighbridge long enough to fit the whole unit and trailer onā– ā– ?

. . . . weā€™ve had bigger stuff than that down here mate . . . !! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

yorkshire terrier:
we have one one at our place only thing that worries me is we struggle to get in to some places with a normal trailerā€¦they will expect us to get in same places with these.
also where is a weighbridge long enough to fit the whole unit and trailer onā– ā– ?

Ever delivered to Swissport down at Heathrow - not the one on the horseshoe, the one on the other side of the road.

Not sure if it was because I was a newbie at the time or if it was REALLY tight, and that was with a 45ā€™ trailer, wouldnā€™t like to try it with a 53ā€™ trailerā€¦

Hereā€™s a link to it on google mapsā€¦ At night, you can end up with a 2nd row of bins plus trucks waiting to get past, plus rain on your mirrors plus dazzling lights on the walls behind you.

Used to hate going in there, always ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  it up lol

First time I had a unit with a sliding fifth wheel Iā€™m sure my unit & trailer combination was that long. Loads of space to fit the suziesā€¦ Oops :slight_smile:

Sent from somewhereā€¦ Not sure where exactly but Iā€™m probably only a bit lost :slight_smile:

itā€™s not much bigger than a conventional trailer. about 6ā€™ i reckon.
weā€™ve had overhanging steel like that for years. dosnā€™t make any difference.

itā€™s not much bigger than a conventional trailer. about 6ā€™ i reckon.
weā€™ve had overhanging steel like that for years. dosnā€™t make any difference.

The longest trailers allowed in the trial are 15.65m, i.e. 51ā€™ 4".

ok, so i was 4" out. not a bad guess. :smiley:

yorkshire terrier:
we have one one at our place only thing that worries me is we struggle to get in to some places with a normal trailerā€¦they will expect us to get in same places with these.
also where is a weighbridge long enough to fit the whole unit and trailer onā– ā– ?

You dont need a weighbridge long enough. Just drive up put the unit on, weigh it, pull across or turn round and put the trailer wheels on it (without the unit wheels on) weigh that, add the two together you have train weight.

Also if you want separate axle weights drive onto weighbridge front wheels only, take weight, you have first axle weight. Move forward until middle axle is on, take weight, subtract first weight from second weight you have second axle weight, move forward till third axle is on bridge, subtract first and second axle weight, you have third axle weight. Keep repeating till all axles have been weighed and you will never need a single axle weigher. Great way to keep legal if you have the time and can be arsed.