Have you been short changed by hammond logistics?

I started with this lot 5th Jan so first pay day came on the 16th Jan,looking forward to a nice wage especially as the run up to Christmas had been far from smooth and a big fat hole had been knocked in my budget.I’d done a bit of o/t so I’d booked 63 and a half hours.Gets my payslip Friday afternoon only showing 40 HOURS!Bring this to the bosses attention straight away,blah blah nothing we can do now blah blah having problems etc.Well,he had his lad in the office with him (kid about 12) so I didn’t want to start there and then but got into him first thing this morning.Then I rang H.Q. in Sutton Coldfield blah blah blah but basically we’ll sort it out with this weeks pay.Now I don’t mind a few quid getting carried over but once it gets to a days money I think it should,as a matter of courtesy if the employee requires/needs it,be sorted ASAP!But to get to the nub of it they’re doing nothing for me and I don’t have a brass ■■■■■■■ between now and next payday.I also have a direct debit coming out this week which will go unpaid incurring a £27.50 charge in the process.I am not a happy bunny!Any ideas or advice as to how to tackle this LEGALLY :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

Does anyone know what a brass ■■■■■■■ is?(maybe I shouldn’t have asked you lot that question) :slight_smile:

Threaten to use the ‘Small Claims court’ to get what they owe you plus the bank charge. This is quite legal. If you don’t want to do that threaten to write to all transport mags and expose them, they won’t like bad publicity.

After all that get a better job, companies like that don’t deserve good employees.

contact bank arrange overdraft to cover the ■■■■ up explain youre in new job

Ask that your P45 be in next weeks payslip and go walk in to any job you want (ha ha) apparently there is a driver shortage especially in your area :slight_smile::).

Edited signature…As I explained the other day!!!

You should ask for the cash there and then. An employee has the right to demand that an employer pays them correctly and on the day that is stated in their contract of employment. If an employer fails to pay you correctly they can pay you in your next pay packet as long as you agree to that. You are perfectly within your legal rights to demand either cash, cheque, or any other means of payment that is instant.
If in doubt then go to the Citizens Advice Bureau, thay can probably provide you with the correct legal document to back this up.

I agree leehellcat!
but i would just drive the truck up the road and park it up!!

see how quick they would pay when you tell them its going nowhere untill you got your wedge!!

its in their contract, see RHA conditions of haulage! why shouldn’t it be in yours?

good luck you bro!

Lee for badness Id park the truck as far away from the yard as I could. I dont know where you are so I cant recommend a place but from the posts ive seen you are legally entitled to any monies owing to you on the same day!! Check it out mate!



A well known agency with red and black logo ALWAYS UNDERPAY YOU it is never the amount due :imp: Without naming this agency they are nationwide and called DRIVER H***. :smiley:

Know them well Tony, a very good lot to work for, or so they tell you.
I don’t, work for them that is & I don’t, think they are a good lot to work for either.

Does anyone know what a brass ■■■■■■■ is?(maybe I shouldn’t have asked you lot that question) :slight_smile:

YES UNDERSTAND THE JOCK SLANG, HENCH THE USER NAME, can’t give any advice apart from bring your boss the bill that you will get from the bank for late payment of the direct debit. :wink:


Does anyone know what a brass ■■■■■■■ is?(maybe I shouldn’t have asked you lot that question) :slight_smile:

YES UNDERSTAND THE JOCK SLANG, HENCH THE USER NAME, can’t give any advice apart from bring your boss the bill that you will get from the bank for late payment of the direct debit. :wink:

I thought ‘A BRASS ■■■■■■■’ was a prostitute with gas. :laughing:

i thought it was a brass fartHing

i thought it was a brass fartHing

hey i knew what he meant :laughing: