Have you any irrational fears doing this job?

I have one irrational fear, and that is that when I am next to a tyre, such as checking wheel nuts, walking past, or generally in the vicinity, that it will blow up for no reason and blow me apart, or maim me.

Stupid, I know. But, when they blow it has the power of a small bomb.

It isn’t helped by hearing the odd story or two of tyres blowing up after they’ve been at rest for a little while due to heat, or something.

Have you got any irrational fears about this job that seem to be on your mind?

I will not jump start a vehicle as years ago I was jump starting a truck and the battery exploded and I lost an eye and piece of my cheek…

I never like raising the air suspension on a trailer, ever seen one of those airbags go? :open_mouth:

Life’s a Gas:
I never like raising the air suspension on a trailer, ever seen one of those airbags go? :open_mouth:

No, but I was under a trailer once checking the pin had locked in on my fifth wheel, and I heard one go. You never would have seen me move so fast in all my life. I thought it was a tyre on my unit.

Always have the fear that ive picked up wrong trailer even though i check at least twice its the right one, Ive even pulled into laybys 10 minutes after setting of to check again, how dafts that? :blush: :blush: :blush:

I will not jump start a vehicle as years ago I was jump starting a truck and the battery exploded and I lost an eye and piece of my cheek…

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Bloody hell mate!! That’s terrible.

Any idea why that happened■■?

Edward Teller:
Always have the fear that ive picked up wrong trailer even though i check at least twice its the right one, Ive even pulled into laybys 10 minutes after setting of to check again, how dafts that? :blush: :blush: :blush:

That sounds like a form of OCD(Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) You wont be alone with it though. I do it now and im not even checking trailers yet. And i bet there are many more people who do it aswell :slight_smile:

I have the very same tyre-blowing fear! But not always. I don’t have the airbag fear though, probably because i don’t get that close to them. Although i have had one blow, and it was under the canopy of a busy petrol station! Bet i was a popular guy! I nearly [zb] my pants and i was in the cab 30ft in front of it! Back to the tyre thing, remember when they had all the trouble with animal exports at Brightlingsea? Those tree-hugging hippies were slashing super-singles with knives! Rather them than me! :astonished:

another truck coming head on towards me on a motorway gives me the shivers
and the boss saying well Malc thats enough im packing it in :cry:

Life’s a Gas:
I never like raising the air suspension on a trailer, ever seen one of those airbags go? :open_mouth:

Yes! i had one go on a trailer once, like a puncture only louder :open_mouth:

I wouldn’t say i have a fear when it comes to the truck, but i hate getting delivery notes that have an incomplete delivery address, the other day i had to deliver to ‘goodhead press, bicester’, and that’s all i had, and what made it worse was that it’s not even called that anymore :imp:

The small air vents on the top of the battery were blocked with dirt, and there was a gas build up in the battery. A small spark caused by the jump leads was enough to cause the explosion. Was told after you should always remove the the filler caps to release any gas before jump starting in case there is a gas build up

oh and this warning sign i came across THIS week

Not hooking up properly and dropping a loaded trailer. I haven’t done it myself up to now thank god, but have witnessed it happening to others. Also the thought of possibly driving out the yard and then a few miles down the road you part company with your other half isn’t my idea of fun :cry: :cry: . For that reason I always check the trailer height and raise the suspension to take the full weight of the trailer before coupling. 3 good tug tests, and then a final check at the pin with a torch.

Andy smg:
Not hooking up properly and dropping a loaded trailer.quote]

I’ve seen that in supermarket rdc yard, embarrasing for driver or what :unamused:

Edward Teller:
Always have the fear that ive picked up wrong trailer even though i check at least twice its the right one, Ive even pulled into laybys 10 minutes after setting of to check again, how dafts that? :blush: :blush: :blush:

I do that almost daily. Did it last week twice and I only worked 3 days. :laughing: :laughing:

My other one is having to check I’ve put the handbrake on at least once before I’ve put the suzies on.

YES - that a trainee will parallel park an artic better than me - easy to do really cos I am crap at that particular artic reverse - always seem to put the trailers wheels just onto the kerb :exclamation: :exclamation: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :blush: :blush: :blush:

Five minutes ago…No

Now i’ve read about tyres and airbags not so sure…Thanks lads :imp:

But seriously no not really if i spent all day every day worrying about what could happen i’d be a nervous wreck and never leave the house, if its gonna happen its gonna happen [zb] all i can do about it

All this talk of tyres blowing isn’t without reason.

Look at THIS.

Hope he pulls through OK.

I’m always worried I’m going to gas myself with the night heater to the extent that I check the vent pipes every time I use it .

All this talk of tyres blowing isn’t without reason.

Look at THIS.

Hope he pulls through OK.

I bet he panicked and slammed on the brakes. I had the OS/F tyre blow on me at 56MPH on the A38. Just slowly drifted into L1 and gently braked to a stop. No drama.