Have I broken the law??

I drive an eighteen ton curtain sider for a well known plumers merchant.
My day starts with me loading pallets via a loading bay. The guys in the warehouse have almost always wrapped my pallets and it’s just a matter of taking them to sites etc.

I never really look at what’s on them. It’s all sanitary ware, pipe, fittings etc.
Today I got to a site and the plumber asked if I would help handball the stuff in. Being such a nice fella I helped him dismantle the pallet. On the pallet were 3 gas small gas bottles which I think are used for small blow torches?

Should I be carrying these without an ADR licence? Should my employer be asking me to?
I asked the other drivers and they said its so rare to carry them they don’t bother and just do it?

Paperwork is mainly codes etc so I don’t normally take notice. Just pallet X had to go from A to B type thing.


Probably not, but some wise men will be along shortly to answer your question more thoroughly.

No 3 small gas bottles is well out of scope, you don’t need an ADR for that

I think you need to be carrying up to 80kg of cannisters/cylinders to need an ADR license, or a figure like that so don’t worry.

Limited quantities you don’t need adr. Believe it or not you could carry a full load of petrol so long as it was in 5 litre cans but not the same quantity if it was in one large tank

Thanks very much for the quick replies. I was kinda hoping I needed my ADR and I could get them to pay for my course. Haha wishful thinking.

Thanks again

Limited quantities you don’t need adr. Believe it or not you could carry a full load of petrol so long as it was in 5 litre cans but not the same quantity if it was in one large tank

Similarly you don’t need ADR to carry a full load of shotgun cartridges.

I thought Limited Quantities no longer existed.

Limited quantities you don’t need adr. Believe it or not you could carry a full load of petrol so long as it was in 5 litre cans but not the same quantity if it was in one large tank

So do you need it if you have twin 1000 litre tanks then :slight_smile: ■■?

Wonder if you could claim the 33000 litres being towed behind we’re just an extra long range tank ■■ :smiley:

See a thread I made here.


Makes no odds, if the boss says it’s ok, then it’s not your problem.

Honestly, a full week of ADR with our own Diesel Dave, and the only thing I remember now is “it’s not your responsibility” for pretty much every question except securing your load :laughing:

You could literally be told to drive a fuel tanker, ask if it’s adr, get told no and you could drive it legally, although your companies DGSA would get in a hell of a lot of ■■■■.

I used to worry about things like this myself, I must admit, but if you’re not trained in ADR why would you be expected to know when you are required to have ADR? Someone trained has to tell you :wink: