Have I been ripped off? £200 to rent the schools vehicle

I recently took my rigid class 2 test and failed, I’m disappointed but I’m OK with that, it took me twice to pass my car test.

However it’s the circumstances that led up to my test that I feel partially assisted in my failure and I feel like I have been completely ripped off in the process.

I’m reluctant to name and shame the school in question, however I do live in Worcestershire and from my research there is only one driving school in Worcestershire so if you are intent on finding out or are based in Worcestershire and wish to avoid the school after reading this, then it shouldn’t take the skills of an investigative journalist to find out who I am on about.

It all began with me doing my homework by registering with this site and avoiding broker companies, there was however one question that was quite important that I did not ask prior to booking my training… “What happens if I fail?”

I booked my lessons, and CPC 4 with the school and was informed I would receive assistance with my theory test, CPC 1 and CPC 4 and any training aides needed to pass the test. At this point I had not paid a thing, an official theory test and dvd was dropped off at my home a month before my test and I was impressed, but received no aid in the CPC 1. I flew through the test and CPC 1 and passed both first time.

I arrived at the school and was given an invoice which included the price of the book and dvd - which I was led to believe was free. I didn’t want to set things off on the wrong foot, so I let this slide, especially as it was delivered to my door by the school. I took my assessment drive, during the 15 mins I felt like my instructor (the person the school is named after) seemed uninterested and a little ttoo bust to be paying attention to my driving, I made major mistakes and felt a little annoyed with myself, but was surprised to hear my instructor felt I could pass the test in three days. Prior to taking the assessment I was told the quicker I could pass the cheaper it would be for me, so I was happy, however when I had to pay the price had not been amended and the instructor claimed that the price was the same regardless of whether I passsed in three or five days and that I must have misunderstood him.

My first day of lessons began with the same head instructor, he spent most of the time on the phone to other potential clients and had very little time for me, when he did he spoke about things unrelated to my driving and despite making major mistakes - he insisted I was doing fine.

Day two and I changed instructors, the second instructor was much better and I feel if I had him the first day then I may have passed.

Day three same thing.

Day four same thing, passed my CPC 4 with no assistance from school other than being allowed to play with chains, torsion bar and ropes for ten mins and being given a sheet of paper to revise from - there was no check to see if i’d bothered revising myself, luckily I had.

The test itself did not go well, I was thrown off at the very beginning on the reversing exercise, I had reversed in front of both instructors over 20 times, not once was I told, despite me asking directly if it was OK to touch the line on my first day, every time from then on I touched the line - on purpose - using it as a guide. No one said anything, apart from my examiner who pointed out my mistake, and asked if I touched the line on purpose - which I replied yes, because I was told it was OK to do so, so he let me retake it, and I passed it fine, but was annoyed at the school already and started on the wrong foot. I failed on stupid things, all of which was probably my own fault and had been pointed out. However if I was making those same mistakes in lessons, then I will repeat them under test conditions unless I have ironed them out beforehand. I did not feel ready and I wasn’t ready.

Now comes the main problem, the question I never asked but should have… What happens if you fail? Well according to this school you get a bill for the retest and a bill for hiring out there vehicle for - wait for it - £200.00 to take the test in it? No discount, no apology, no free lesson for assessing my ability incorrectly. Just a snotty email demanding payment if I wish to continue.

I spoke to five other drivers at the school during my time there, only one passed his test - it was a retake, the rest of us all failed our tests first time around, and I can’t help but think the training school had a hand in it - only to gain more money out of re-takes and vehicle hire at £200.00 an hour!

If you are thinking of doing your driver training and live in Worcestershire, I would reccommend you leave the county

When I failed class 2, I had to pay £335 for another day with truck and instructor, £115 test fee was included. I had 30 mins drive before my test. I found it quite unfair, but I think that’s the way it goes… Luckily I’ve passed on my second attempt and never thought of it anymore…

Best of luck


did you really expect to get a retest for free :question:

I dipped class c first time round
I felt I was ready though which is the difference I guess so a quick 30 mins before my retake was enough
I paid £265 for the pleasure!
My class c+e course sounds very similar to your experience( bad first day) but tuition actually improved and I passed first go
I know how you feel having failed but you need to be straight with the school and either ask for more lessons (you obviously will need to pay) or go elsewhere (which sounds difficult in your area)
If you were happy with one of the instructors then wait till they are available
Look at your fail sheet and be honest with yourself and consider what you need to brush up on to pass
You will get there so stay positive and don’t be impatient (like I am!)

Having read my own post back it doesn’t read very positively
Sorry about that, what I’m trying to say get back in the saddle and you will be fine
Just be a little more assertive with the school

A good school should be able to provide a price list, fully itemised, so there are no nasty surprises. The training experience is what sometimes happens at smaller schools ie your instructor on the phone dealing with another customer instead of actually training you.

I believe that it’s worth researching the school carefully and looking for recommendations before parting with your hard-earned.

If there is no office, then someone, somewhere is answering the phone. Is that your trainer? The end result is clear; the trainee doesn’t get what he’s paid for, the potential trainee on the phone isn’t given the care and attention he deserves and lastly, this is one of the reasons that many trainers remain small. They are unable to develop the business as they are training all the time. It’s a bit of a viscious circle.

I am not saying that all small schools should be avoided for this reason; some have very good facilities for phones etc away from the cab so it’s not an issue. Just something that’s worth considering when you make the first call. If you can hear a truck engine in the background, personally I would hang up.

To the original question about £200 for vehicle hire. It seems a bit heavy if it is literally for the test. But if there’s travelling backwards and forward to a test centre, you could be looking at 3 hours and that’s not so bad.

All the best, Pete :laughing: :laughing:

The nearest LGV DSA test centre is quite some way from anywhere in Worcs so £200 plus test fee is pretty good for a retest

I would not be surprised if from leaving to returning to the school the total time is about 4 hours

I’m reluctant to name and shame the school in question, however I do live in Worcestershire and from my research there is only one driving school in Worcestershire so if you are intent on finding out or are based in Worcestershire and wish to avoid the school after reading this, then it shouldn’t take the skills of an investigative journalist to find out who I am on about.

I must be a really good investigator :laughing:
Subject: new starter

My reply is very late… But I have just used Phil Brown and I would not recommend them to anyone.

They showed very little interest in my ability whilst on the assessment drive, Phil Brown himself was on the phone the entire time during my assessment and during my first lesson. The other two lessons were by his partner, who is a much better instructor than Phil himself, however I made major mistakes on every lesson and did not feel ready for the test, yet they insisted I was.

I took the test and failed, on the same issues I was showing signs of struggling with during the lessons. I was also told on the reversing exercise by Phil and his partner, that I was ok to touch the line in the reversing exercise, just not to cross it, I got a minor for touching it, something very irritating to me as reversing is no problem for me, I was just using what I thought was the area I was allowed to use.

I was offered no discount to retake the test, no free lessons to work on my poor areas, and a snotty email in response to my complaints. I will not be retaking ANY lessons with Phil Brown in any vehicle. especially as they now have the nerve to charge me £200.00 for one hours use of there vehicle for the test retake.

In all Disgusting customer service, disgusting service in general and overpriced, I feel as though all the research I did to find a good driving school was in vain and instead of being ripped off by a broker, I have been directly ripped off by the school!

Thanks for the comments guys and congrats on journalism skills :slight_smile:

The nearest DSA test centre is… Wait for it… At the driving school, so I am literally paying for £200 for an hour in the truck - I’m being ripped off and I know it, but there is nothing I can do about it.

I will hang in there, but that’s also what the school knows, they know I’m going to have to retake or I’ve thrown £1,350 down the drain. My point was I wasn’t ready, I was rushed and given poor training - So yup, I do feel like I need a discount, freebie or at the very least an acknowledgement or apology.

All the best to all of you.

I suggest you take this up with the owner of the school. It’s worth a sensible discussion and see if a compromise can be reached.

I take your point about the £200 just being for the hour of the test as the centre is on site. You also need to accept that driving test centres don’t run for nothing. So, no doubt, there is an element allowed for the facilities. Different schools will approach this in various ways. I have no problem with this - - - provided that the charging system is transparent.

All the best, Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Is that £200 inc the test fee, if so it isn’t all that bad, if its not its a rip off. When I did my c+e retest I just had to pay for how many hours I had the wagon for at £45 per hr.

Did a five day course for cat C, wasn’t the best, wasn’t the worst, but I had to work it out on my own as I wasn’t told when I was doing things right, just when wrong (if that makes sense), so had low confidence and failed first time. They recommended 2 days further tuition including re-test and I paid over £400 + vat including test fee. But remember that covered several hours driving too, on 2-1 basis, and happened to get at least a morning on my own.

In those terms paying 200 notes for just a hours use of a truck does seem a lot. I would add that normally most schools suggest a bit of warm up time first as the last thing you want to do is turn up after a break from driving it and jump in and do a test. All the best, hope it all comes good for you.

I failed on stupid things, all of which was probably my own fault and had been pointed out. However if I was making those same mistakes in lessons, then I will repeat them under test conditions unless I have ironed them out beforehand. I did not feel ready and I wasn’t ready.

I read your initial post a few hours ago and had some sympathy but reading it again I have changed my mind.

You dont say why you failed. In that case let me tell you. You failed because (A) you didnt follow your trainers advice (B) you didnt concentrate as much as you concentrated on your posting slagging your trainer off (C) you’re trying to get something for nothing.

Grow up and blame the only person responsible, YOU

If you got more than 2 serious faults with us it would cost you over £500 for a retest. We dont tolerate people who dont listen. We make them take 2 days retest training. But we do give free retest training to those who listen.

Finally call the person who passed and ask his opinion of the company.

Grow a pair or you will not pass next time

I think Peter has given you very sound and professional advice- if you feel there is an issue to solve it is best done by talking to the trainer you did the course with. If after that you are not happy it may be a good time to seek more advice using the forum, or even let the members know that all is well and sorted( which I hope will be the case)

I don’t know why you failed your test but wouldn’t make judgement, a) I wasn’t there, b) I wasn’t your trainer so didn’t know your driving standard or commitment to your training, c) it’s rude and not constructive criticism to try and tell you why you failed when I know nothing about you or the training you received

Best of luck for the future.



I failed on stupid things, all of which was probably my own fault and had been pointed out. However if I was making those same mistakes in lessons, then I will repeat them under test conditions unless I have ironed them out beforehand. I did not feel ready and I wasn’t ready.

I read your initial post a few hours ago and had some sympathy but reading it again I have changed my mind.

You dont say why you failed. In that case let me tell you. You failed because (A) you didnt follow your trainers advice (B) you didnt concentrate as much as you concentrated on your posting slagging your trainer off (C) you’re trying to get something for nothing.

Grow up and blame the only person responsible, YOU

If you got more than 2 serious faults with us it would cost you over £500 for a retest. We dont tolerate people who dont listen. We make them take 2 days retest training. But we do give free retest training to those who listen.

Finally call the person who passed and ask his opinion of the company.

Grow a pair or you will not pass next time

Maybe you would do well in reading the post again!

Shooting off your mouth while knowing jack why they failed, doesn’t show you in good light.

Maybe you should read the post below yours, which clearly has been written by a professional trainer!

LGV Trainer, John, I also think that was over the top without knowing the full facts

Did you have a “bee-in-your-bonnet” when you wrote it ?


I failed on stupid things, all of which was probably my own fault and had been pointed out. However if I was making those same mistakes in lessons, then I will repeat them under test conditions unless I have ironed them out beforehand. I did not feel ready and I wasn’t ready.

I read your initial post a few hours ago and had some sympathy but reading it again I have changed my mind.

You dont say why you failed. In that case let me tell you. You failed because (A) you didnt follow your trainers advice (B) you didnt concentrate as much as you concentrated on your posting slagging your trainer off (C) you’re trying to get something for nothing.

Grow up and blame the only person responsible, YOU

If you got more than 2 serious faults with us it would cost you over £500 for a retest. We dont tolerate people who dont listen. We make them take 2 days retest training. But we do give free retest training to those who listen.

Finally call the person who passed and ask his opinion of the company.

Grow a pair or you will not pass next time

Wow! for a trainer that is just way beyond harsh :open_mouth:

Let me explain my post in a bit more detail. The whole point of the OP was not to discuss the reasons for failure but to pass blame onto the trainer.

However it’s the circumstances that led up to my test that I feel partially assisted in my failure and I feel like I have been completely ripped off in the process.

There is no mention of the terms and conditions that surely the customer read before booking. RIPPED OFF would imply that the trainer did not comply with the T&C’s that by law must be shown to the customer.

there was however one question that was quite important that I did not ask prior to booking my training… “What happens if I fail?”

Perhaps an oversight on the part of the customer but again this issue should have been covered in the terms.

Now comes the main problem, the question I never asked but should have… What happens if you fail? Well according to this school you get a bill for the retest and a bill for hiring out there vehicle for - wait for it - £200.00 to take the test in it? No discount, no apology, no free lesson for assessing my ability incorrectly.

This is I believe the entire point of the posting. The customer failed to check out the possibility of failing and the possible consequences. He now attempts to somehow pass the blame and cost onto the trainer. BTW macziggy this is nothing personal. I am only stating an opinion.

We dont tolerate people who dont listen. We make them take 2 days retest training. But we do give free retest training to those who listen.

We make it very clear in our terms in big writing that an extra day will be required if the candidates fails with more than 2 serious faults. We also include a free day retest training for fails of 2 or less serious faults.

Finally if I upset anyone then sorry but sometimes it is easy to pass the buck instead of taking responsibility. In fairness to the candidate he does say:-

I failed on stupid things, all of which was probably my own fault and had been pointed out

Good luck to all testing next week.

Let me explain my post in a bit more detail. The whole point of the OP was not to discuss the reasons for failure but to pass blame onto the trainer.
The Trainee has paid the money and deserves the FULL attention of the training provider!

We make it very clear in our terms in big writing that an extra day will be required if the candidates fails with more than 2 serious faults. We also include a free day retest training for fails of 2 or less serious faults.
YOUR terms and conditions were never mentioned in any posting! - please read!

Finally if I upset anyone then sorry but sometimes it is easy to pass the buck instead of taking responsibility.
That can work both ways - don’t you think?

Maybe your training provider wasn’nt the best, however, you should not give up. There are lots of quality training providers on this site and most are recommended by pupils past and present.

Good luck…


I am not giving up, but thank you for the support and the defence of, in my opinion, way over the top attack on me by LGV trainer, who like people say… Was pretty harsh given the fact I said I thought I was responsible for my fail in the first sentance of my original post… I’m sorry but I can’t help but take what you say personally and I’m pretty glad I didn’t go to your school for training if that’s your attitude.

To clear things up… I asked for a re-test and a re-test only, no extra lessons. I then received a letter asking for £115.00 for the retest and £199.00 for C Training. I emailed back saying I only wanted the test, was told that C Training is the hiring of the vehicle - Which is odd because it reads as “Training” Which is NOT “Hiring”. I was also told that unless I pay the full amount on the invoice then they will cancel the test. The vehicle is based AT THE SCHOOL! So it doesn’t need to go anywhere, so I’m either hiring it for £199 an hour OR for £199 an hour + an extra hours training which I don’t want.

I imagine this includes an extra drive in the vehicle with an instructor before my test, but it’s not what I asked for, I am aware of why I failed and where my weakness’s are and learnt a lot by taking the test and the lessons, but I don’t think I have had good value for money. If I do get the lesson I haven’t asked for, in fact I specifically said I did not want, then I have now been forced into it, forced to part with hard earned money, that I can’t really spare.

I did point out that I failed through my own stupid mistakes, but I am not an idiot, I paid attention to what I was taught and most of the stuff I failed on was information I had been told. I am not saying I failed because of the school, I’m saying I didn’t think I got good value for money, got ripped off! And when you fork out that much, you want good value for money.

I think that the school I went to are lazy, they are the only school in my area so don’t need to compete for business, their customer service skills are poor and if given the chance to start over I would not use them and will not be using them for any other CPC or driver training, I would rather travel further afield, but NOT to LGV Trainers school.

I only started the thread to see what other more experienced drivers thought and now I know - Thank you all who contributed. I did not mean to slag the school off and then name and shame it - my naming the school was done in another separate thread to someone who was specifically asking about that school in particular - Not my fault someone brought their journalism skills to this thread.

Hope to bump into some of you on the roads in the future - Well not “Bump” Hopefully I’ll be a better driver by then.