Hauliers begging

Another problem the industry has is the need for haulage customers or their own Drivers to work any 5/7 or rota working but only wanting to pay a set rate all through rather than premium rates for w/e and "graveyard"shifts.
Hence the young interested in transport turn it down when they find out what getting a licence involves and what being a Driver entails, along with the hours involved interfering with their social life,can you blame them.
Bosss can bury their head in the sand as deep as they like,but their belief they pay competitive wages and have good conditions dont always match with reality.

Is that you, Winseer?

Is that you, Winseer?

Is that you RobK?
No need to answer, we all know it is!

So UK hauliers are begging the government to give them back their cheap Labour by threatening food shortages especially at Christmas.
I’ve no time for the tories but I applaud them digging they’re heels in on this one.

this is the possibly one and only time that drivers have the upper hand on employees, oh how i wish we had a
collective objective to better the pay and conditions within this industry.but it won’t happen and gradually the
pendulum will swing back to the employees …ps well done boz for denying them there cheap labour

Or until the party gets a big enough bung.

Sorry Donation!

No need to apologise you were correct the first time :unamused:

shouldering the cost of training. i.e apprenticeships. Which they dont want to do. They just want people with a license who will work for cheap.

There’s little need for Government to do that; most training schools have a rake of candidates with freshly-minted licences and who are searching for work, plus a backlog of people who have already funded their own training and are just waiting for their all important driving test(s) spaces to be available. That’s the rate-limiting factor, DVSA are pushing to recruit more examiners to alleviate the bottle-neck, but that isn’t going to be an overnight solution

Maybe not necessarily better paid but better in general. It amuses me that almost every time non-drivers ask me how many hours I do per shift their mouths remain wide open and I don’t even do that many, 10 or 11 on most days.

I had a load of family round for a get together this afternoon. Got into a conversation with a few of them about the driver shortage and I mentioned I only do 4 days a week now but I still put in 38-45hrs a week. “Oh you’re on compressed hours are you?” When I said no, that’s normal working days they were gobsmacked.

For the majority of the population even the 10hrs we consider a short day is one that they do which involves 2hrs overtime and they do with dread.


So UK hauliers are begging the government to give them back their cheap Labour by threatening food shortages especially at Christmas.
I’ve no time for the tories but I applaud them digging they’re heels in on this one.

this is the possibly one and only time that drivers have the upper hand on employees, oh how i wish we had a
collective objective to better the pay and conditions within this industry.but it won’t happen and gradually the
pendulum will swing back to the employees …ps well done boz for denying them there cheap labour

The trouble is it was absolutely nothing to do with unions or “sticking together” that got us to this point.

Haven’t clicked the link but this came on my Google feed thing



That’s it. I’m off to Poland to hawk my services and destroy various bits of the Polish motorway system. I’m confident I can knock a few bridges, pull over a the odd fuel pump or two and blindside some completely innocent car driver on their way Lidl’s with the kids. I’ll also make sure I’m absolutely battered on 7 cans of Special Brew before I turn up for work too.

latvia romania hungary im also looking at you

Wasn’t that all standard training when a lot of them were here?


With the DVSA offering the chance to become an LGV examiner on £26,000 a year, on a 2 year contract and possibly working weekends.

It might be a while before the DVSA fill the vacancies and can offer the extra tests to new drivers.

Sixties boy:
With the DVSA offering the chance to become an LGV examiner on £26,000 a year, on a 2 year contract and possibly working weekends.

It might be a while before the DVSA fill the vacancies and can offer the extra tests to new drivers.

That’s some good money.
But I suspect it will be very hard to get this job as competition will be huge with the pay being so fantastic.
Fear not though, if you are LGBTQ+ or an ethnic minority or a women. then your going straight to the top of the queue thanks to positive discrimination :stuck_out_tongue:.
Basically don’t be a straight white male.

We welcome applications from every part of the community. We’re particularly interested to hear from Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic people, women, disabled people, and those who identify as LGBT+. We believe everyone is involved in making DVSA an inclusive and great place to work. We aim to accommodate any request for flexible working however, not all options are not available at all sites. Please see our candidate pack for further information and examples.

I hope the current shortage stops the order before 2200 guaranteed next day delivery. I believe reducing the number of next day deliveries would reduce number of unnecessary journeys hence more efficiency less drivers,as would the supermarkets just in time schedules if they were moderated.

I hope the current shortage stops the order before 2200 guaranteed next day delivery. I believe reducing the number of next day deliveries would reduce number of unnecessary journeys hence more efficiency less drivers,as would the supermarkets just in time schedules if they were moderated.




That’s it. I’m off to Poland to hawk my services and destroy various bits of the Polish motorway system. I’m confident I can knock a few bridges, pull over a the odd fuel pump or two and blindside some completely innocent car driver on their way Lidl’s with the kids. I’ll also make sure I’m absolutely battered on 7 cans of Special Brew before I turn up for work too.

latvia romania hungary im also looking at you

Wasn’t that all standard training when a lot of them were here?


The EE’s get special training in “changing a dvd with your toes” - why do you think they wear flipflops??

More likely all these boat people coming over (soon to be “Air People” as well…)

Will all be pretending to hold HGV licences, despite the fact that even if they did actually hold what they said - I don’t think we should be recognizing
paper licences of Mikeemauskhan, Condova, or Vulgaria any time soon… :unamused: Of course, fake licences means a load of underpaid and dangerous-to-the-public drivers on our roads. Who’s fault when the first deaths start rolling in?

The Tories were supposed to put a stop to this people trafficing thing - not give them out royal charters, and clean high viz to hand out, then wave them all over here, rather than

Fire across the bows
Board the vessel
Arrest the Skipper for blatant people trafficing
Take the vessel and occupants back to the beaches of Normandy
Disembark them all, don’t bother asking the French, who are party to this people trafficing
Set out to sea with now empty trafficing vessel
Disembark skeleton crew, and scuttle said vessel about 3 miles off the French Coast, away from the fishing and shipping lanes.

It really isn’t that hard to do Law and Order - when the laws are already in place, but the government and security “services” then pick and choose who counts as a Criminal worthy of arrest (Any white British Taxpayer will do…) and who must not be arrested under any circumstances (Eg. Foreign-born criminals of any kind) :angry:

I predict that at the next election - the Blue Wall will likely vote for any 4th political party on any ballot paper.
We don’t need new “Laws” - just the proper enforcement against this country’s enemies that we thought we would get from a so-called Right WInger like Priti Patel, but have clearly not.

There is now a power vacuum on the Right of Politics, which means for all Boris Johnson’s “shifting to the center” - we now despise him - those of us that actually voted for him - like Labour voters did of Blair after he left office… :imp:
