could i put my claas 1 licence to better and would i make any money on the basis of a 24 hour period if
I rented a tractor unit from a hire company at £110 a day
Joined one of those agencys looking for hauliers
class myself then as an owner driver
did a run say from manchester to london.
took into account the diesel needed for a run from manc/london say £300
charged £500 for doing that trip and making £90 profit from it.
would i get any takers or am i living in a fantasy world and better to stay as a driver…
I know your going to say why not buy the unit but better to test the market and not be responsible for repairs or tax…
am i living in a fantasy world and better to stay as a driver…
You haven’t thought it through and are living a little in fantasy land.
You would need an O Licence and that costs money. You would need insurance, both vehicle and Goods in Transit. You would have to also pay tax and N I. You would have a phone bill to pay, you need the phone for getting work. You need to eat etc.
Not much of your £90 left, and that is assuming you would get anything like £500 for Manchester - London which is unlikely
__STAY AS A DRIVER!!!__With your ideas posted , I dont think you really know whats involved and your a living a fantasy if you think you will get £500 for Manchester- London, more like £200. Sorry to be harsh but you will egt yourself into a mess just like so many others have done in the past.
**STAY AS A DRIVER!!!**With your ideas posted , I dont think you really know whats involved .
I agree!!!..
I think you need to do a lot more research before you even think about taking on the commitment of a O licence.
If you CAN get £500 for London- Manchester ON A REGULAR BASIS (Hopefully on a contract) then you would have the Starting point for a business… but relying on one well paid run is the quickest way to go bust when someone else undercuts your rates,