HATO spin off????

Driving back to base down th A1 today a car overtook me that caught my eye, it was a white estate car with flashing lights on top and had the usual highways livery colours. But in the back window like a VOSA car it said “Video recording front and back” i think or words to that effect, it was going to fast for me to read it all because the wording was fairly small.

It had in black letters “HIGHWAYS AGENCY TRAFFIC CONTROL CAR” not seen one of these before, are these the same as “■■■■■■” vehicles at roadworks you get sometimes? or a HATO spin off :question: :confused: :confused: :confused:

Sounds interesting, can’t say I’ve seem any like that so far.

When I clicked on your post, I was half expecting you to have written that a HATO vehicle had spun and left the road!

Think its one of those that slows traffic when they need to shift somthing off the motorway, cameras because some people seem to think they dont need to wait for them, ala that guy a while back who got done for it (think they mentioned he was a truck driver) :confused:

Sounds interesting, can’t say I’ve seem any like that so far.

When I clicked on your post, I was half expecting you to have written that a HATO vehicle had spun and left the road!

We don’t travel fast enough to spin off! :wink:

I think this is a roadworks TSO (traffic safety officer) who drive lookalike hato vehicles.One near us recently had a yellow/black battenburg discovery.It was difficult to tell if it was hato or not.
They have no powers but do carry out rolling road blocks,which have no enforcement,unlike ours.
Officers at our outstation are not impressed.We get enough bad press without hato lookalikes getting us bad press too.
TSOs do not know our procedures or guidelines.Just as we dont know full Chapter 8 procedures (coning out).
They should stick to their job and we will stick to ours.

Officers at our outstation are not impressed.We get enough bad press without hato lookalikes getting us bad press too.

there’s something ironic about a pretend policeman getting upset about a pretend hato

What’s ironic, we have to work bloody hard to get our TO accreditation, along comes someone in a lookalike car and does something they shouldn’t, next thing it’s all over the various forums giving us a hard time for something which haven’t done. It’s also jealousy, as they get paid more than us :grimacing: :grimacing: :wink:

Hijackers, they use the videos for youtube. :laughing: