Harry Westerman, Leeds

Does anyone remember a bloke called Harry Westerman who had his own transport company based in West Yorks somewhere (Wakefield rings a bell)?

He was a good friend of my Old Dear in the early 80s but I believed he packed up mid to late 80s. My Old Dear was working for a company in a small industrial unit off Jack Lane in Leeds called - or at least pronounced - Selette, and that’s where they knew each other from. I think he may have done the transport for them.

I remember going with him in his wagon one day. I know it had a HIAB on it because we delivered one of those big long supermarket freezer units somewhere which was roped and sheeted on the back of the wagon, but I can’t remember whether it was a rigid or artic.

Harry was about 7ft tall, slim and nearly bald and also had quite a stammer too.

That’s about all I can remember - anyone recall anything?