Hansons drivers?

are they all total idiots ?
driving up Rochdale road in Manchester just where it goes from two lanes to one am giving the cyclist in front of me plenty of room as i go to pass him indicating right as i do so when the ■■■■■■■■ in the Hansons brick wag n drag behind decides hes coming through no matter what at well over the speed limit forcing me into the curb with the trailer as he squeezes past only just missed squashing the cyclist who was less than impressed at the next set of lights really professional driving NOT !

A lot of Hansons’ drivers are ODs or work for franchise hauliers. IME they’re amongst the better bunch of construction drivers, although the “Conbloc” division has seen massive reductions in recent years.

who do you drive for? because i seen one doing some really bonkers stuff, a right sack, does that mean you’re a sack as well? :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

I understand your anger but I think it has nothing to do with the fact he was a hansons driver I think it has more to do with the fact that this industry is lacking profesinal drivers and is full of self centred idjiots that are to worried about going flat out everywhere
Ok we all have bad days sometimes and make some judgment errors but from what you’ve described this was total lunacy

Might be worth giving them a call.
If memory serves me right (it might have been a different company but I’m sure it was Hanson)
A woman whose son was killed by a Hansons lorry was so disgusted by the companies attitude she brought shares so she could attend the AGM and voice her concerns. This led to major improvement to the fleet with regard to cyclists.

Might be worth giving them a call.
If memory serves me right (it might have been a different company but I’m sure it was Hanson)
A woman whose son was killed by a Hansons lorry was so disgusted by the companies attitude she brought shares so she could attend the AGM and voice her concerns. This led to major improvement to the fleet with regard to cyclists.

Think that was Cemex not Hansons but I suppose any individual could do the same to any co; listed on the stock market if they really wanted to :exclamation:
Dave Penn;

are they all total idiots ?
driving up Rochdale road in Manchester just where it goes from two lanes to one am giving the cyclist in front of me plenty of room as i go to pass him indicating right as i do so when the [zb] in the Hansons brick wag n drag behind decides hes coming through no matter what at well over the speed limit forcing me into the curb with the trailer as he squeezes past only just missed squashing the cyclist who was less than impressed at the next set of lights really professional driving NOT !

I don’t get it. Why endanger the cyclist? Why not hold your ground and if the fella in the wag and drag is going to be stupid then he can only hurt your truck and his. I’m uncertain how you think it might be ok to endanger the cyclist and blame someone else.
I’m serious too. If i was faced with a choice of giving a cyclist a near miss and being hit by a wag and drag the i’d get hit by the wag and drag anytime. It wouldn’t hurt me, but could potentially kill the cyclist. Its a no brainer. I just don’t understand where you’re coming from, i really dont.


Might be worth giving them a call.
If memory serves me right (it might have been a different company but I’m sure it was Hanson)
A woman whose son was killed by a Hansons lorry was so disgusted by the companies attitude she brought shares so she could attend the AGM and voice her concerns. This led to major improvement to the fleet with regard to cyclists.

Think that was Cemex not Hansons but I suppose any individual could do the same to any co; listed on the stock market if they really wanted to :exclamation:
Dave Penn;

Yes Cemex. I was close


are they all total idiots ?
driving up Rochdale road in Manchester just where it goes from two lanes to one am giving the cyclist in front of me plenty of room as i go to pass him indicating right as i do so when the [zb] in the Hansons brick wag n drag behind decides hes coming through no matter what at well over the speed limit forcing me into the curb with the trailer as he squeezes past only just missed squashing the cyclist who was less than impressed at the next set of lights really professional driving NOT !

I don’t get it. Why endanger the cyclist? Why not hold your ground and if the fella in the wag and drag is going to be stupid then he can only hurt your truck and his. I’m uncertain how you think it might be ok to endanger the cyclist and blame someone else.
I’m serious too. If i was faced with a choice of giving a cyclist a near miss and being hit by a wag and drag the i’d get hit by the wag and drag anytime. It wouldn’t hurt me, but could potentially kill the cyclist. Its a no brainer. I just don’t understand where you’re coming from, i really dont.

whoa if you read i was doing my best to give the cyclist as much room as i could it was not my choice to make the idiotic and dangerous maneuver that the hansons " driver " did when he swerved back in and nearly took me out with his trailer it was a split second instinctive manouver to swerve away from him towards the cyclist if i hadnt been paying attention in my mirrors to where the cyclist was i probably would of hit him as it was i didnt .as for standing my ground and taking the hit to my vehicle are you going to pay my bills whilst im looking for work due to being sacked by my arrogant autocratic boss ?