Hanson rates

Good news from Hanson, rates going down 4% due to the ‘reduction in the cost of diesel’.

I don’t do much with them these days but I expect the other big guns of the QPA (Tarmac, Bardons etc) to follow suit. :frowning:

Happy New Year everybody! :frowning: :unamused:

We had the letter last week funny how their materials keep going up though isn’t it? Trouble is they could cut the rates by 20% and there would still be trucks waiting for work, they have us by the short and curlies at the moment. I remember a now retired O/D telling me when he started with his tipper probably 35 years ago the haulage rate was always more than the stone cost, I reckon we would be on a 50 radial now to equal the cost of the stone!

Probably all follow now ones done it… :unamused:

Hauling for the Quarrys paid by the Mile or Tonne?

rates going down 4% due to the ‘reduction in the cost of diesel’.

Did the rates go up when the cost of diesel was also going up??

We had a couple of rises off Hanson as the fuel price was going up, we thought they were very tardy at putting them up. The problem is they are all chasing a diminishing market and although the letters go out to the customers informing them of rises in materials the larger customers won’t be paying that so its cut all costs and at the moment the hauliers are an easy target.

I reckon we would be on a 50 radial now to equal the cost of the stone!

We had a job Oct/Nov time, 44miler. They were paying us 6quid a tonne exactly haulage. The site agent told me he was paying 9pound, 60pence a tonne for the stone.

Ok, its was a big job (10-20,000 tonne roughly) but its like everything else these days, pared right back down to the bone. :unamused: I can’t see how theres any money in it when you think of the cost of the machines & wages in the quarry etc. :unamused:


rates going down 4% due to the ‘reduction in the cost of diesel’.

Did the rates go up when the cost of diesel was also going up??

Our rates went up about 2% last January and then another 2 or 3 % around April. The cost of diesel absolutely rocketed in that time. Although its been falling steadily since the high point, they are still pretty quick to reduce the rates. I guess if you dance with the devil… :wink:

its a pity they never put the rates up as quick as they are bringing them down.

mind you tarmac run rings around them up here.

after the first fuel protest, the gov reviewed road tax 8x4 was i think £4400. i we now pay £1200, one of the so called blue chip fakes reduced rates to take into account the reduction in road tax tarmac was not one of them