Hanging wiper code in services!

I was at work the other night,and talking to a couple of experienced truckers,one of whom is an owner driver,and we were on the subject of European driving work.We were talking about Do s and Donts and the lads told me that if you leave one of your windsreen wipers down in a service area,you will get some attention alright from a certain female species! :laughing: ,who will keep coming up and knocking on the door of the truck to see what ā€˜services one would likeā€™.
He told me when he followed another old boy down to St Malo one day,when they said goodnight and the old boy went to get his head down,he thought he would play a prank and pull one of his wipers down. :smiling_imp:
Anyway,when he saw the old boy the next day,he asked him if he had had a goodnights sleep.His reply was ā€˜No,ere ,these women kept tapping on the door.ā€™ With a straight face,matey said,ā€˜oh,yeah,what did they want thenā€™,and the strait laced old boy said in mortal shock,ā€˜They were prostitutes,PROSTITUTES,I couldnā€™t believe it.ā€™ :laughing: I would have been crackin up! I can see why you European boys like to get away so much.It sounds like good fun!
P.S Donā€™t be offended by my comments,I 'm not for one minute suggesting that that is what all truckers get up to.Just a few thats all.


Thatā€™s a new one on me, never heard it before.

I I can see why you European boys like to get away so much.It sounds like good fun!

Only until the self-loathing kicks in afterwards. And you discover that your wallet is missing.


It never worked in Eastern Europe. wiper blades were stolen!

you got the knock anyway. Its amazing that you can park miles from anywhere and before the kettle boils there is a knock!

I love you long time mister! :smiley:

i never heard that one either :laughing: . my mate rumpo (who`s in thailand at the mo :open_mouth: ) once got fined for going around a roundabout in italy twice slowly to look at the ā€œladiesā€. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Thailand :smiley: Ladyboy
Italy :smiley: several ladies and lots of men!

Not casting any aspersions here. honest! :wink: :wink:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: . I`VE SEEN PLENTY OF THE SHE-MALES IN MILAN/TURIN TOO :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:lol: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: . I`VE SEEN PLENTY OF THE SHE-MALES IN MILAN/TURIN TOO :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

not too close up I hope :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: