Handy search tool

Dont know if this has been posted before. Quick and easy street finder.


Yes very quick n easy, also very clear picture too.

tried it on a few addresses, mine for a start, and it’s not that accurate. landed half a mile away

tried it on a few addresses, mine for a start, and it’s not that accurate. landed half a mile away

Ere, thats good. Just put my postcode in and landed in San Jose, California. I make that about 6000 miles away :laughing:

put my mums postcode in (in Norfolk) the image that came up was a dual carriageway on what looked like the A66.

I tried 3 different postcodes,spot on every time.
Easy to use and loads fast.
Cheers added it to my favourites.

But how i print a Map?

its just using google street view, nothing new there.