Hands up who does this?

Not for any particular reason I have just been reading some interesting stats surrounding driver behaviour patterns and with that in mind would like ask anyone on here acouple of questions to see if the stats stack up…#

The question is open to anyone with a licence either types.

I didn’t vote as i don’t really speed to make schedules, or finish early. When i got flashed speeding it was for no other reaon than it was 1.30am and the roads where dead. Here’s a pic of me getting flashed at 50mph in a 60mph limit.
Look at me go!!!

I don’t speed - in fact we are told that the run schedules are done so that we don’t have to. The only one I could see being a problem would be Bodmin - as that is 4:45 with no allowance for traffic…


There isn’t an option for “I break the speed limits because it pays me to do so thanks to an archaic mileage pay scheme”. Not saying that I do, mind. :wink:

There isn’t an option for “I break the speed limits because it pays me to do so thanks to an archaic mileage pay scheme”. Not saying that I do, mind. :wink:

Yeah sorry about that but I tried to keep it fairly wide without implicating anyone …UNLESS they wanted to state they did or did not :wink:

Believe it or not I know there are one or two people on here on that type of scheme…so though the Hit Time window option might be applicable given that your work is time driven…

Just trying to give everyone a bit of flexibility.

I agree also that those kind of pay structures should be outlawed on H&S grounds alone .

It’s bizarre.

When I worked for a North Dorset firm we were paid a very minimal basic of £35 a day (bearing in mind we’re going back 5 or 6 years here, and into the back of beyond) plus 4p a mile, plus £2.50 a tip. This particular firm had several run ins with the local Traffic Commissioner (I had a shiny new licence and was under 25, before anyone asks why I stayed), but the pay scheme was deemed to be legal.

A few years later I went to TEPS in Southampton, where we were on hours, with a penny a mile bonus worth about £20 a week. Again, all legal, although the Ministry kept an eye on us purely because we were run remotely from Hull so had no office.

When I transferred North within the same firm to Hull, I was on the same pay scheme except that the bonus was for attendance, accident-free, etc. The Traffic Commisioner there would not let them pay the penny a mile, even though it was the same firm and had been proved time and again to be straight as a die.

Pay schemes involving a mixture of miles, tips, loads, and waiting time are common in rural areas, particularly in the Fens, where they are considered the norm by employers and Traffic Commissioners alike.

Fast forward to the present, and I am now basically paid flat mileage at 27p a mile, rising to 29p a mile after 1750 miles. We get bits and bobs on top - a job rate for really local stuff, £7 for a reload, and £10 an hour demurrage after 3 hours, for example - plus a bonus based on what the wagon “earns”. We’re theoretically guaranteed £50 a day, but in practice I’ve often earnt less than that on a Friday, yet not got the day rate, presumably because I ran out the night before. God knows, it’s one of life’s little mysteries, that one. But whatever way you look at it, it falls foul of the law that states pay schemes may not encourage drivers to break the law…by to all practical purposes paying us only to drive and not to sit.

Why do we put up with it? Because we are some of the best paid drivers on Teesside, doing the easiest work in the best kit. And we don’t get much hassle for damaging it… :open_mouth:

Why do the Ministry put up with it? I have no idea. Perhaps someone other than me ( TKDave ? ) can find out… :wink:

Can I just make it very clear, btw, that I am admitting to NOTHING.

That was very interesting I have honestly never heard anything like it…I still cant believe they get away with it anywhere :smiling_imp:

Think I would up sticks and find something else…but hey thats just me and easier said than done… :sunglasses:

Which brings us back to:

Why do we put up with it? Because we are some of the best paid drivers on Teesside, doing the easiest work in the best kit. And we don’t get much hassle for damaging it… :open_mouth:

So yes, a lot easier said than done, in my impoverished case. :cry:

@ MikeC

Intersting pics Mike. What happened, did you receive these with a summons?

Seems a tad strange that the Police didn’t notice their error before sending them out, given that they have hand-written the 60mph limit on both photos!

Incidentally, would you agree with the 50mph that the Police stated you were doing? By my calculations you are travelling at around 38mph in that sequence.

Im salaried so i do speed occasionaly but only ever to my own advantage, I get the same money no matter what hours i do.

I didn’t vote as i don’t really speed to make schedules, or finish early. When i got flashed speeding it was for no other reaon than it was 1.30am and the roads where dead. Here’s a pic of me getting flashed at 50mph in a 60mph limit.
Look at me go!!!

Uh!! I think you were getting flashed doing 50 in a 50 limit, unless the Govt have decided to increase the speed limit for a truck on a dual carrigeway recently!!!

I speed for my own gain only.

yes speed, why, have always done , and probally always will,not clever but true,


I didn’t vote as i don’t really speed to make schedules, or finish early. When i got flashed speeding it was for no other reaon than it was 1.30am and the roads where dead. Here’s a pic of me getting flashed at 50mph in a 60mph limit.
Look at me go!!!

Uh!! I think you were getting flashed doing 50 in a 50 limit, unless the Govt have decided to increase the speed limit for a truck on a dual carrigeway recently!!!

That was taken on the A15 @ Atterbury. 60mph limit on single carriageway.

Harry Monk:
@ MikeC

Intersting pics Mike. What happened, did you receive these with a summons?

Seems a tad strange that the Police didn’t notice their error before sending them out, given that they have hand-written the 60mph limit on both photos!

Incidentally, would you agree with the 50mph that the Police stated you were doing? By my calculations you are travelling at around 38mph in that sequence.

I got off with it, even though i signed the NIP(long story). But i tried various calculations and got it to 56mph!! BTW, i only got the photos after i pleaded not guilty.

Look at me go!!!

Photoshop to the rescue again Michael?

Rob K:

Look at me go!!!

Photoshop to the rescue again Michael?

No no, that is genuine. I mentioned it a while ago, here and somehwere else when it happened. My gripe at the time was that the signs said 60mph and i thought it unfair to be flashed doing 50mph. My argument was and is , is that if cars are given a warning that its a 60mph camera then lorries should be given a similar “think 40” sign or something. To warn one and not the other i though was discriminatory.


Rob K:

Look at me go!!!

Photoshop to the rescue again Michael?

No no, that is genuine. I mentioned it a while ago, here and somehwere else when it happened. My gripe at the time was that the signs said 60mph and i thought it unfair to be flashed doing 50mph. My argument was and is , is that if cars are given a warning that its a 60mph camera then lorries should be given a similar “think 40” sign or something. To warn one and not the other i though was discriminatory.

So in other words you need someone to remind you that we have different speed limits to cars everytime you approach a gatso! :stuck_out_tongue: :smiling_imp:

Anyhow, thought you were on for B&Q not Walkers.

SPEEDING :imp: How could anyone in Whitehall possibly know what size engine I have,how fast I like to drive ,or what appointments I need to keep during the day ? :smiley: :smiley: :wink:

Rob K:
So in other words you need someone to remind you that we have different speed limits to cars everytime you approach a gatso! :stuck_out_tongue: :smiling_imp:

Anyhow, thought you were on for B&Q not Walkers.

I was on for Walkers at the time. I change jobs faster than you! The road limit said 60 mph, not “national speed limit”. Now i know full well that my limit is 40mph on single carriageway, but, the warning sign warns car users only who also know full well what their limit is , so in my view it is discriminatory.
The short version is i didn’t expect it to flash me at 50!!