Handing in Notice

Well I’m going to do it tomorrow, tempted to put summat along the lines of STICK IT, but burning bridges etc isn’t a good idea, It’s going to be a long month :frowning: .

Ive always found it best to end on good terms, you never know one day if you may just need that job. Have you got something sorted in its place ? Might be an idea once you have handed in your notice to post on the jobs vacant page, it may not suit you but may suit someone else and you never know if its that bad and someone else comes along they may let you go early without serving you full notice out. I had a boss once that thought if you handed your notice in that meant your weren’t committed to the company and would either rip them off stealing fuel, drag the job out or slag them off to customers so he would just let you go there and then. I knew this so when I handed mine in I timed it knowing he had a desperate load for the former Yugo and I was the only driver he had in the UK that could do the trip so I told him the morning I was leaving for the trip, knowing he would still send me, I only did that because I had a big order for beer and bacci that I wanted to get before I came back to UK only driving.

Handing in Notice

Well did you?
How did it go■■?

This will probably cause a ruckus… but if some-one is totally ■■■■■■■■■■ with a job because of the work environment and practices, or workmates, bosses, whatever… and they think it aint going to change then jack-it-in whichever way you think is appropriate because the chances are it’s not going to change in the future.
If that is the case then why worry about “Burning bridges” because you are not going to go back anyway.

Just my opinion.

Always best if you can to part on speaking terms at least, most likely a good prospective employer will require immediate prior employer as reference.

I’ve known one odd bod over the years leave a job and then report the company to VOSA for certain practices…if anyone can think of a way to make oneself unemployable, do let us know.

It’s obvious innit. The best way to become unemployable is to be a whistle-blower. Or…shying away from twin-splitters! :smiley:

Always best if you can to part on speaking terms at least, most likely a good prospective employer will require immediate prior employer as reference.

I’ve known one odd bod over the years leave a job and then report the company to VOSA for certain practices…if anyone can think of a way to make oneself unemployable, do let us know.

i worked with a bloke who did that, he was a wanted man for several years.

@Wheel Nut

:open_mouth: When it is to their benefit…do government agencies “Grass-up” whistle-blowers ? :confused:

Done it, I’ve finished on good terms, to be honest the job I did was easy, well paid and only 40 hours a week, BUT no overtime, there’s lots of h&s, red tape and various depts working against each other, there’s a downturn in work which I don’t think the new owners will stomach for very long. As soon as I passed my class 1, I was offered another full time job driving anything from sprinters to D/Ds, more money, it’s on general haulage (mainly UK) rather than own account (regional) and OT rates paid. The firm I’m going to have the work I’m more interested in, ther’s gonna be long hours, a few nights out, one hitters, more money :smiley: and they’ve promised I don’t have to drive the scania :grimacing: .
