HandBrake sticking

Hi all.
The handbrake has started to stick on my
OLD 7.5 ton x-reg shed.

I will push the valve and empty my air tanks,
Too see if this helps.
Will this help?

I doubt it i’d say its a valve sticking theres prob only 2 valves, the value in the dash behind the handbrake and another one along the chassis some where. What sort of a truck is it?

Hi its a DAFF

The pressure seems too build up to near max,
Then the hand brake sticks. :imp:

It seems as if the valve is letting the pressure build up too high.

I have a knack
Whilst the handbrake is on at lights etc…
i presse the foot brake and this releases some air.

Only have too make it last 3 weeks then i am getting a 11 ton hiab
maybe only a 51 reg …

I will miss my old wagon though,
already saved my pictures… :blush:

Sorry for the late reply
went too bed early had a 5.00am start…

of for the weekend…

Hi its a DAFF

The pressure seems too build up to near max,
Then the hand brake sticks. :imp:

It seems as if the valve is letting the pressure build up too high.

I have a knack
Whilst the handbrake is on at lights etc…
i presse the foot brake and this releases some air.

Only have too make it last 3 weeks then i am getting a 11 ton hiab
maybe only a 51 reg …

I will miss my old wagon though,
already saved my pictures… :blush:

Sorry for the late reply
went too bed early had a 5.00am start…

of for the weekend…

It may not be your handbrake, if your air is building up over the max pressure and your brakes aren’t releasing it will be the valve that controls which tanks your air goes to, on my 85, it is the same one as the air drier, and was bloody dear. Check your air tanks, and if one is empty, then this is your problem.