Hand Signals

I’m on a day off and was having a poke around the forum and I came across a thread (Stobart Hater on A38) which raised an interesting point. I didn’t resurrect the thread because it’s quite old.

How many of you use hand signals (or lights or whatever) to warn other HGV drivers of hazards, VOSA, Charity Boxes etc?

I tend to use a flash and a thumbs down for anything that’ll have an impact on your wallet and a flash and hazards for hazards.

I’ll also light up the beacon for anyone with his wally light on for no reason.

It’s nice to be nice.

Ive just re read that thread you’re talking about… It’s a classic ! :grimacing: :open_mouth:

Flash and thumbs down for police / speed trap etc …

Same, flash and thumbs down or hazards for a hazard. I do get pleasure in flashing the beacons and l.e.d’s if someone’s got them on for no reason. It doesn’t look cool but also to save them having to mount the roof to change the bulbs to often I’m thoughtful like that :slight_smile:.

Which driver wants to leave themselves open to a charge of perverting the course of justice !!

Which driver wants to leave themselves open to a charge of perverting the course of justice !!

How is it perverting the course of justice to tell someone there’s a broken down car ahead??

Which driver wants to leave themselves open to a charge of perverting the course of justice !!

Don’t be a square.

Most Drivers appear to be showing me how to put imaginary vinegar onto imaginary chips.

I can’t think why.

Which driver wants to leave themselves open to a charge of perverting the course of justice !!

Well I’m not informing them off a speed camera am I? As the signs say “safety cameras in operation” I’m just informing my fellow drivers off a “safety” concern up ahead that they should be aware off.


Which driver wants to leave themselves open to a charge of perverting the course of justice !!

Well I’m not informing them off a speed camera am I? As the signs say “safety cameras in operation” I’m just informing my fellow drivers off a “safety” concern up ahead that they should be aware off.

I think that excuse was used in a court case and it did not wash



Which driver wants to leave themselves open to a charge of perverting the course of justice !!

Well I’m not informing them off a speed camera am I? As the signs say “safety cameras in operation” I’m just informing my fellow drivers off a “safety” concern up ahead that they should be aware off.

I think that excuse was used in a court case and it did not wash

I think the chance of proving I was flashing my lights to warn of a speed camera and not because I was warning the other driver I was there (which is what the flash means) would be remote at best