Hadfields Transport

Spotted these two waiting to tip in our local town centre on Sat night. Speaking to the drivers, they were refurbing the Iceland store round the corner.

Hadfields depot is on Manchester Rd in the Newton Heath area of M/chester.They used to be on Old Street Ashton u Lyne many years ago 50s/60s .Back then they were furniture removers and they ran a few BMC pantechs if my memory serves me correct.

I.I.R.C. in the seventies they had a fleet of yellow pantechnicons when they were based in Ashton and then I think that they changed the colours to all black. I am sure that they did full loads of washing machines and you would often meet their drivers parked on Shepherds Bush lorry park for the night :slight_smile: .

One of the few companies who recognise the fact that their Ridgid drivers deserve full size cabs also.

Nice Fleet!

They used to do fridges from huskys at lutterworth alot of handball, esp into corner shops! Pita job really! Not sure if they are still doing it but it kept them busy! Nice wagons tho…