no…i wasnt driving at the time before anyone asks
i was in the passenger seat, fast asleep dreaming about…well wouldnt you like to know when all of a sudden i jolted awake after hearing my co-driver shout something along the lines of
“whoooooooo, ducking idiot”
me half asleep and startled, began looking around wondering what had happened…
turned out a car had come down the on ramp and tried to join the motorway as if our truck was not even there, driver said he couldn’t move over as vehicles in other lane but this car had just contiuned to try and join the motorway at speed clipped side of truck then backed off behind us.
I woke up and looked in the mirror to just catch climpse of car pulling back in behind us. the car made no attempt to pull onto the hard shoulder or try to attract out attention. the car stayed behind us and i then noticed it indicating for next junction, we assumed may be they wanted to pull over off the motorway so we came off as well. we went into lane 1 and this car came up the off ramp and continued in lane 2 to the traffic lights at the top and went on its merry way. as it turned we could se scratch marks down the side of it and at the traffic lights the drivers side wing mirros was folded in.
i took a photo of the car and the wing mirror at the traffic lights we then pulled over to check damage to our truck and all we could see was 2 seperate paint blotches about 5 cm wide and 2 cm tall on the middle off the truck, consitant with the height of the car and a scratch mark on a bit of plastic and that was it.
reported it when we got back to yard and took some photos of side of truck incase of any come back but the car never stopped or even slowed down when it got parrallel with us at the traffic lights so we can only assume they didnt want to stop
and then on the a14 futher up a peugot in lane 2 indicated then suddnely pulled into our lane and drover up the last bit of the off ramp as she had obvisously not seen the junctiuon, i really dont know how we didnt clip her back end as she swung across 2 lanes - i never got back to sleep.