Ha dont laugh but

whilest training for my cat C I have been doing 16 hrs on 7.5 toners for two agents and got my first night out on tuesday and off to Hampshire I went …the idea was to get to first drop sleep there then 1st thing in the morning they could unload me and i could get my other drops off then home .
Juat as i thought when i got there it was 8pm and locked up so I parked facing down the hill towards the gates on a dirt road . not thinking .
now over the yrs in the good old days I had many night out driving coaches /vans and kept my night out money in my pocket sleeping on the seats (when we were aloud to ) .but this was different lol i had a newish truck with a nice drop down bunk (lovely )i thought . so at 11.pm i pushed both seats forward
dropped the backrests forward pulled down the bunk and climed in could not sleep as was on a hill and was rolling off every 10 mins so i made a brew got back in thats when the real trouble started as my brew spilt :blush: burned my A*se :open_mouth: so i jumped up in pain and banged my head :angry: and promptly fell off my bunk … :frowning: and could not move the truck of the hill as it was to late and i had to have my minimum rest .

I bet i dont do that again :blush: :blush: :unamused:


Yea thats the max they have even for cat C untill i get through my CE next month then full time …I hope :smiley:

Hahaha that’s a great story. Made me chuckle. Not had night out yet. But am looking forward to it when eventually do. Bet it goes similar to yours as well!!!

:laughing: :laughing:

Yea thats the max they have even for cat C untill i get through my CE next month then full time …I hope :smiley:

I thought you ment you were doing 16hr shifts lol.

yep its called the learning curve eh :blush: :blush: lol next day on my way home there was some woman radio presenter saying what a bad day she had she trapped her finger in a car door …pmsl good job i was driving and could not use my phone for the phone in eh BAD DAY MY AE :laughing: sat there with a lump on my head and a sore ae :laughing:

lol well funny.

Haha, silly you :laughing:

Oh ti have bin a fly on the wall lol mind you have had similar probs camping on hilly places in Scotland !!

Jen x

Thinking about it Things could have been worse i suppose :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :blush: but neadless to say that I now have a cup with a locking cap on it ha ha …oh it gets worse ive just emptied my overnight bag as i was to knackered To do it yesterday so left it in the hallway near the window uhhhhh i forgot it had 4 kitkats in it and All are melted …nice mess :angry: