I heard that if you complaining that H&S rules are stupid, you can be banned from working as you are becoming H&S risk…
So they can introduce every stupid rule they had dreamed while sleeping after being drunk, and if we want to work, we can’t complain that this rule is stupid…
I just had a wee job, making some passenger surveys on the buses. I had to wear steel cap shoes and long sleeve hi-vis jacket. When I complained that this not makes any sense, as every other passengers are safe enaugh without this hi-vis and safety boots, they told me what I just quoted to you… They even refused to let me go with just a hi-vis jacket without sleeves, as “the sleeves protect my hands in case that I will fall”. When I demanded explanation how on earth this sleeves can protect me and how wearing a long sleeve jacket, which makes me sweating, as it’s made of plastic, is good for my health, I was just told to do not ask this questions - this is H&S and this is good for me (or I can go look for another job, I guess).
I grew up under communists rule and basically speaking that was the same: Soviet Union is our Friend and Ally, or you are outsider. Communist Party is our leader, supported by the whole nation, or you are in jail. Russian is very useful language and everyone should be able to speak it, or you can learn english for yourself, but you’ll never finish school and find a job…