H&R Trans

If anyone in the UK is interested in buying London Bridge back, please send me a PM and i’ll tell you where to send the money (cash only) then i’ll let you know when to pick it up :laughing:
btw, i’ve got some seaside property in Arizona for sale too :wink: :unamused:


A bridge with a beach!! What a wonderful offer. And I was going to spend all my money on magic beans… :laughing:

Have been informed old steve boy is on $200 for every new driver that signes for Hand R may be thats why he chased after you .ive known him for a good few years and a few of the others out there and wouldt trust any of them .!


If I were to bring someone to BFS I would get $250.

And before anyone says anything, no, not once. People may take what I say on board, but I let them decide for themselves.

to dave mac i woul get my facts,story right before i started blabbing about something i did not know anything about,

Avast There!!! :laughing:

vastly exp:
to dave mac i woul get my facts,story right before i started blabbing about something i did not know anything about,


Now please tell me the facts and I will eat a large slice of humble pie if you have some undercover insider knowledge to share with us.

But pray someone hanging around other punters stalls (who did manage to pay for them by the way) “Checking out the opposition”!!! then pouncing on the visitors to the stall once they have left coming up with some ■■■■ n bull story (sorry alledged) about how things had been mixed up and gone wrong mmmm still sounds pretty pathetic to me…AND as a potential victim (sorry employee) I think I have a right to speak my mind…but as I said if you have some info on this PLEASE share it…should be interesting blabbing about something YOU don’t know about…unless you were there in disguise…dressed as a H&R recruiter…hanging round stalls…MWHAHAHAHA…names not Steve is it??

DAVIE_MAC For your sake I hope you never bump into vastly exp when you get to CA. The sad thing is that its you that don’t know what you’re talking about. Keep your TN handle a secret when you leave these shores… :laughing:
PS . He is 22stone & can knock a wall down!!! :laughing:

DAVIE_MAC For your sake I hope you never bump into vastly exp when you get to CA. The sad thing is that its you that don’t know what you’re talking about. Keep your TN handle a secret when you leave these shores… :laughing:
PS . He is 22stone & can knock a wall down!!! :laughing:

Sticks n Stones…I quake in my boots Harry grow up n get a life…and I know what he looks like coz I met him didn’t I…DERRRRRR

If you can’t speak your mind on here about what you believe without some moron threatening you with his big brother then where can you…anyway I’m sure you will have forgotton all about me by 2012 if I ever make the move.

Now unless you have anything constructive to say about what I commented on I suggest you shut up as your making yourself look rather silly stood there behing your big brother…If I am so wrong like I asked you to please comment and put me right that is what I asked you to do in the first place.

PS I’m actualy 18 stone 6ft 3 and have instructed in martial arts which I have done since the age of 14 & full contact fighting as well as playing rugby…anything else you want to add…neh neh neh neh neh.

dave_mac,i think it should be you coming up with the facts,its you thats making assumptions about a company that you know nothing at all about.
how do you know about company damage,so come on where are your facts,you made the post where are the facts to go with it.

vastly exp:
dave_mac,i think it should be you coming up with the facts,its you thats making assumptions about a company that you know nothing at all about.
how do you know about company damage,so come on where are your facts,you made the post where are the facts to go with it.


This is just going round n round in circles I made my OPINION clear above and my opinion is my opinion. This was the very first time I had ever had anything to do with companies regarding trucking in Canada and the way it was done just did not leave a very good picture in my mind and reinforced the vision of drivers going over there and not been given the goods they were promised. As everything about the situation evolved it was plain for me to see was pure waffle.

Q. How can a company with such a large fleet and held in High regard not be able organise a stall at the biggest flagship immigration Expo in the UK when little Mrs one lady band organised one to sell her pet carriers it just does not make sense to me.

You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.
Abraham Lincoln, 16th president of US (1809 - 1865)

This will be my last posting on this matter and on this website as I will not be making any move in the forseeable fututre before 2012 anyway…good luck with the recruiting and next year jack up a stall put on a good show and then you may be able to attract more of the quality drivers that you intend to.

I also would lose interest in a milli second once a company mentions an agency has to be used.

PS Talking of intelligence:

I have been quoting the above AS MY OPINION and have asked anyone to Please correct me if I am wrong.

harry - took offence and said he hopes I don’t bump into vastly exp.

Therefore vastly exp must be Steve

Therefore if vastly exp is Steve why won’t he give an explanation as to the circumstances as to which I originally posted about as he must be the H&R person at the Expo and have all the facts which he keeps telling me to get right…IF I HAVE MISSED THE FACTS THEN WHY WON’T YOU CORRECT ME…This must only have one conclusion then …I WAS CORRECT ALL ALONG.

Is that a quadratic equation?

See ya guys Have fun now…lighten up and don’t take everything to heart eh :open_mouth: :smiley:

DAVIE_MAC Steve he ain’t.
You are fooling yourself after living in rip-off UK for so long.Its natural to have a cynical attitude to anything genuine.
The only reason that Steve & Annette were in Sandown is because they had a ten days of interviews in Guildford to attend to & went to Sandown on the off chance & were too late to book a stall.
PS. It would be refreshing to meet a driver that wasn’t SAS or martial arts high priest etc,etc; The game is full of 'em. :laughing:
( Even I have two medals. One for active service & one from the UN but you are the only person I have ever told. I hope this doesn’t scare you…) :laughing:

I think a little cooling down should occur here.
As I see it, Davie was unimpressed with the couple he met at Sandown and said so.
Vastly, who seems to know them better, disagreed and said so.
Perhaps they both could have put it a little less confrontationally but I think we all now get the picture.
And while we are all bragging about size and how much it matters you should know that the only qualification for being a Mod or Admin on here is 6ft 6ins of solid muscle, so don’t mess with us. :smiling_imp: :unamused:

Apart from Rikki and Lucy of course whose pictures you have seen, but all the rest of us, apart from Simon of course whose picture you have seen, but all the rest of us, apart from Jonah of course whose picture you have seen, but all the rest of us are dead hard :twisted: :smiling_imp: .

:wink: :slight_smile:

i think you will find that most companies use some sort of an agency some where along the line.
the goods,well everything h&r told me at the interview came true,all i had to do was get to the airport.the flight was paid for by them,i had a $150 cheque in my hand from them to pay the immigration people,it was all set up only took 10 mins in calgary airport,got my bags of the machine,went through the barrier and there was a big smiling face to meet me and take me to the hotel 2 hours by car,he even checked me in and took me to the room,hows that for service,then the fun started,
i like every other driver that has started here have had to pay for my driving school training that cost $1850. it has been taken of my wages every week since i started to earn money,i have no problem with this at all.it was explained to me at the interview so i could have taken it or left it.

by the way in the last 6 months h&r have replaced about 100 trucks,nothing too good about that,but on every one of the new trucks they have had fitted a thing called a tri pac,now these things cost $12000. yes thats twelve thousand dollars each thats fitted of course,these tri pacs are soley for driver comfort,its a 2 cylinder diesel engine bolted to the chassis and it drives the air conditioning to keep the driver cool whilst he is resting,it also charges the battery to keep the night heater going,it also supplys the truck with 110 volt electric,so we can have a fridge microwave coffee maker and even a hair drier (for the wife)if we want,now thats about 1.2 million dollars on driver comforts,
do you think they will be too worried about a stand at a expo.

Well put Vastly, think you have answered all the points raised. :wink: :laughing:

vastly exp You forgot to add that you are on your second brand new Freightliner double sleeper cab ( with all the bells & whistles ) since the second week in December 2006. :laughing: :laughing:

my god why do you all talk so much ■■■■■■■■ :angry:

Sorry, if it needs stars, it’s not allowed. D.

So you think it’s nonsense. So who cares. You lack the wherewithal to move and berate those that move. Seems more than a little shallow in my opinion.

Those gennys aren’t entirely for driver comfort, as they reduce engine idle time which is a goal all companies have out here, but the point was well made and is, in general, true.

If the company didn’t have a stall then, again, so what? If they did it on purpose then so what? what possible difference can it make to someone who clearly would not move out anyway. If you don’t think H&R are on the up then look at other firms and see which of those are more to your liking. Of course, you won’t because you would never make the move.

As for the agency bit. In fairness I can see their point of view when so many Brits are landing, getting their PR and sodding off to do something else. I am sure that the loudest detractors on here are that kind of person.

Stay there in the UK if that’s what you want. Those who want to come here should be able to seek whatever they need to know on here without interjection from people who have no clue what they are talking about.

One thing you should be aware of. The firms who hire through HRSDC are closely monitored by CIC. They have to fulfil the criteria and any complaints by employees are considered very bad for the firm. If they get complaints then they lose their right to hire from overseas. They have to do it right, as do those who move.

steveo1 my god why do you talk so much ■■■■■■■■ ■■? :laughing:

Sorry, if it needs stars, it’s not allowed. D.

yes that was well said bobthedog,i never thought about mentioning the idling bit, oops excuse me,