Truckman20; You should have pretented to be foreign when he lost his temper and say “No Englishski”.

true,it might have worked,LOL

Right let’s start again sweet cheeks. How did a car force your big trucky wucky onto the hard shoulder?

Imagine you were in an ambulance that couldn’t get of the motorway because a ■■■■ of a driver decided to block the hard shoulder…I’m sorry but the big bad car pushed me out of the way.

Yes, you are correct, the HATO shouldn’t loose it with you. But, you shouldn’t have been there. No excuses. I find it hard to believe how a car drivers can force a truck onto the hard shoulder. If you reg number was recorded, I doubt your defence will stand up in court? But, I wasn’t there and didn’t see what happened to you. It gets frustrating, knowing emergency services are trying to get to an incident and the only route, the hard shoulder, is blocked by inpatient drivers. In the tailback of a full closure after a fatal collision, we were dispatched to look for a driver having a heart attack in the congestion. Ourselves and a Paramedic response car could not even try to get near the location because the hard shoulder was blocked.

i agree with you as i did not want to go into the hard shoulder,but you know what some of these car drivers are like,these ones just did not care if their cars were damaged,and i did not fancy filling in an accident report form on my return to depot,and had i have hit said car mr HATO would probably have burst a blood vessel the state he was in

Right let’s start again sweet cheeks. How did a car force your big trucky wucky onto the hard shoulder?

Imagine you were in an ambulance that couldn’t get of the motorway because a ■■■■ of a driver decided to block the hard shoulder…I’m sorry but the big bad car pushed me out of the way.

I would be interested to now as well :unamused:


How does a car force a truck onto the hard shoulder? Even IF you were “forced” over, a couple of blinks on the indicator to let your intentions known, then “force” your way back on.

i take it you were there then,so you were aware of the situation,i know the facts and for the record i do not force others to give way,thats not what i was taught when training,you may well do ,i do not

I wasn’t taught that either but if you don’t give a bit of gentle persuasion to be let out you won’t be going anywhere in a hurry… :wink:


Yes, you are correct, the HATO shouldn’t loose it with you. But, you shouldn’t have been there. No excuses. I find it hard to believe how a car drivers can force a truck onto the hard shoulder. If you reg number was recorded, I doubt your defence will stand up in court? But, I wasn’t there and didn’t see what happened to you. It gets frustrating, knowing emergency services are trying to get to an incident and the only route, the hard shoulder, is blocked by inpatient drivers. In the tailback of a full closure after a fatal collision, we were dispatched to look for a driver having a heart attack in the congestion. Ourselves and a Paramedic response car could not even try to get near the location because the hard shoulder was blocked.

i agree with you as i did not want to go into the hard shoulder,but you know what some of these car drivers are like,these ones just did not care if their cars were damaged,and i did not fancy filling in an accident report form on my return to depot,and had i have hit said car mr HATO would probably have burst a blood vessel the state he was in

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. The car drivers didn’t care if they damaged their cars! I’ve never heard such pish in my life. Look admit you were a knob and move on.

Right let’s start again sweet cheeks. How did a car force your big trucky wucky onto the hard shoulder?

Imagine you were in an ambulance that couldn’t get of the motorway because a ■■■■ of a driver decided to block the hard shoulder…I’m sorry but the big bad car pushed me out of the way.

LOL, you are so funny,[NOT]and what a silly name,did you think that one up,would not surprise me,takes real intelligence to call people names,still there is allways one on here who cannot think of anything intelligent to say

Says the man poking fun of my name. Sigh.

OK, explain to us (please) exactly HOW a car driver managed to push you onto the hardshoulder.
All you had to do was put your handbrake on if they were Kamikaze Drivers.
They would then hit (with total disregard for their vehicle) your STATIONARY vehicle - no insurance problems. :unamused:

The Sarge:
OK, explain to us (please) exactly HOW a car driver managed to push you onto the hardshoulder.
All you had to do was put your handbrake on if they were Kamikaze Drivers.
They would then hit (with total disregard for their vehicle) your STATIONARY vehicle - no insurance problems. :unamused:

I’m sitting comfortably. It’s like being a kid and waiting for picture box starting. You know the one with rotating box and eerie theme music.

as we were coming up to junction 2 i was in the first lane,next thing i know i am being forced over into the hard shoulder by these car drivers who could not wait,rather than cause another accident i went into the hard shoulder only to find i could not get back into the first lane again because of the cars,next thing i know i am having a minor argument with a H A T O muppet who is shouting at me and others

the point is i was actually on the exit ramp when the cars forced their way in,

Clear as mud.

I’ve just cracked my 2nd beer whilst waiting. I hope he’s not gonna be long coz I can only have two when I’m sat in the cab…

Pffft an away to bed. Wife wants ■■■■■■. I’ve told her this is important but she won’t take no for an answer.

…and I’ve finished my beer. I think you got the best deal, mate :wink:

I guess we’ll never know how he got forced onto the hard shoulder by a car driver :frowning:

Oh Christ I can’t stand it any longer. I’m away to the pub.

Daddy i want to know how the story ended !!! PLEASE !

Erm perhaps he couldn’t stop in time & was either ram the car or hard shoulder it, just sayin’

Erm perhaps he couldn’t stop in time & was either ram the car or hard shoulder it, just sayin’

Was driving too fast then. He said it was in a tailback, so all should have been crawling…

Daddy i want to know how the story ended !!! PLEASE !

Surup and go to sleep :laughing: