Grille mirrors...

Or whatever they’re called. Them mirrors that look directly down the front of the truck.

Over the last 18 months or so i’ve had 3 trucks and they’ve all been fitted. At first i thought what do we need them for? More bloody interference from big brother, but in that time i’ve sort of got used to them. Handy when manoeuvrering in tight spaces and such, but the other day i reckon mine saved a life. I was in Manchester waiting at a set of lights 3 or 4 cars back. The lights changed, i checked the mirrors, handbrake off, and the unit was taking the strain when a white flash went through the grille mirror. Course i hit the brake, i had no idea what it was when a young girl wearing a white coat shot by past the drivers door and crossed the road beating the cars coming the other way. Jesus Christ! I went to say something but she’d gone. Shook me up though.

What do you lot think of them? My truck had an MOT last week, so i drove an older truck that morning without one of these mirrors and i sort of missed it.

I’ve always known this mirror as the idiot mirror, and after what you described it certainly lives upto it’s name. You managed to save an idiot getting run over. I’m still trying to decide if this is a good or bad thing :laughing:

I think they are great especially when turning in a tight area, unfortunately they seem to get forgotten by some drivers when they go through an automatic wash, and get knocked off!

you mean the “■■■■■ mirror” fantastic idea for checking out a ladies cleavage as she crosses in front of you :laughing: {although i,m not entirely sure this was what they where designed for :blush: }

i think there the best thing to b brought in for a long time i had the same thing in london in a tga lights changed i went to go and this hand appered in front of windscreen if bloke hadnt of put his hand up id of run him over definatly makes you jump

First one i saw was on a Hino . . kin years ago.

I would imagine that they could also provide an extra viewpoint at round abouts and other junctions when over the water, as i have not driven a vehicle that has one fitted as yet i’m guessing that it would provide a veiw of the road to the left hand side ie your 9-10 o’clock as well as directly below the windscreen

theyre pretty good too when you have to pull up outside a shop to tip and theres a car in front of you .
you can get right tight up behind em looking in that mirror .i quite like having one now to be honest.