A quick question if I may. Is there any truth in a company getting a green light from VOSA, and the flip side a company getting, I would suppose a red light?
Reason I ask is the last company I was with the owner was very happy telling me he had a Green light, so no need to worry about being stopped. As it worked out I run out of Bootle and regularly passed check points and was never pulled in.
Now the new firm I am with (not going to mention on here who.) take better care of the motors but run older wagons. in 2 days, 2 of ours guys have been pulled in and given very thorough checks. the Irony is the first motor an old M reg was fine no problems at all, the second motor was the newest to the fleet (only been on the road 2 weeks, 57 plate, after 3 weeks being painted and sorted in workshops.) and was picked up for a loose U bolt on the trailer axle.
Am I being over paranoid thinking my new firm have a bad rep with VOSA? they run about 16 motors most of the time local in Liverpool. was it just bad luck that VOSA pull 2 in 2 days?
I am surprised how many OPERATORS don’t know about the OCRS system never mind how it actually works.
I always include a full explanation of the OCRS in a DCPC course so that drivers can fully appreciate how it works and why they tend to get either no DVSA attention or lots.
Go and ask you boss what the OCRS score is - bet he waffles.
A quick question if I may. Is there any truth in a company getting a green light from VOSA, and the flip side a company getting, I would suppose a red light?
Reason I ask is the last company I was with the owner was very happy telling me he had a Green light, so no need to worry about being stopped. As it worked out I run out of Bootle and regularly passed check points and was never pulled in.
Now the new firm I am with (not going to mention on here who.) take better care of the motors but run older wagons. in 2 days, 2 of ours guys have been pulled in and given very thorough checks. the Irony is the first motor an old M reg was fine no problems at all, the second motor was the newest to the fleet (only been on the road 2 weeks, 57 plate, after 3 weeks being painted and sorted in workshops.) and was picked up for a loose U bolt on the trailer axle.
Am I being over paranoid thinking my new firm have a bad rep with VOSA? they run about 16 motors most of the time local in Liverpool. was it just bad luck that VOSA pull 2 in 2 days?
Your thoughts are appreciated.
cheers all
If you work for who I’m thinking you do then some of the vehicles/trailers are getting on a bit and some look a bit rough.
A quick question if I may. Is there any truth in a company getting a green light from VOSA, and the flip side a company getting, I would suppose a red light?
Reason I ask is the last company I was with the owner was very happy telling me he had a Green light, so no need to worry about being stopped. As it worked out I run out of Bootle and regularly passed check points and was never pulled in.
Now the new firm I am with (not going to mention on here who.) take better care of the motors but run older wagons. in 2 days, 2 of ours guys have been pulled in and given very thorough checks. the Irony is the first motor an old M reg was fine no problems at all, the second motor was the newest to the fleet (only been on the road 2 weeks, 57 plate, after 3 weeks being painted and sorted in workshops.) and was picked up for a loose U bolt on the trailer axle.
Am I being over paranoid thinking my new firm have a bad rep with VOSA? they run about 16 motors most of the time local in Liverpool. was it just bad luck that VOSA pull 2 in 2 days?
Your thoughts are appreciated.
cheers all
Doesn’t matter how new the unit is, if the trailer isn’t maintained properly.
Yes there is OCRS scores, but they will still pull ‘Green’ as Baz says.
OCRS is mainly scored on previous ‘pulls’, but also MOT failures affect it too, which can be as daft as a bulb blown on the way to the MOT station.
I’ve worked for lots of Green and Amber and Grey firms, but never a ‘red’ firm as far as I know, but a mate did and he spent as much time in VOSA (as it was at the time) check points as he did on the road.
I am surprised how many OPERATORS don’t know about the OCRS system never mind how it actually works.
I always include a full explanation of the OCRS in a DCPC course so that drivers can fully appreciate how it works and why they tend to get either no DVSA attention or lots.
Go and ask you boss what the OCRS score is - bet he waffles.
Rubbish, any operator with Operator Licence control will know all about it OCRS, either restricted or not. But a wild accusation about “OPERATORS” not knowing about the OCRS is vague and untrue. You might have planners and or schedulers who are not are of it but that does not result in the same conclusion your are portraying there.
You might find drivers with no idea about it and that is by the by, drivers should be educated about it and their responsibility to help maintain the scoring for the good of the company, them and their workmates.
When it comes to waffling, DCPC courses are 80% waffle 10% useful 10% handouts.
A quick question if I may. Is there any truth in a company getting a green light from VOSA, and the flip side a company getting, I would suppose a red light?
Reason I ask is the last company I was with the owner was very happy telling me he had a Green light, so no need to worry about being stopped. As it worked out I run out of Bootle and regularly passed check points and was never pulled in.
Now the new firm I am with (not going to mention on here who.) take better care of the motors but run older wagons. in 2 days, 2 of ours guys have been pulled in and given very thorough checks. the Irony is the first motor an old M reg was fine no problems at all, the second motor was the newest to the fleet (only been on the road 2 weeks, 57 plate, after 3 weeks being painted and sorted in workshops.) and was picked up for a loose U bolt on the trailer axle.
Am I being over paranoid thinking my new firm have a bad rep with VOSA? they run about 16 motors most of the time local in Liverpool. was it just bad luck that VOSA pull 2 in 2 days?
Your thoughts are appreciated.
cheers all
Doesn’t matter how new the unit is, if the trailer isn’t maintained properly.
Yes there is OCRS scores, but they will still pull ‘Green’ as Baz says.
OCRS is mainly scored on previous ‘pulls’, but also MOT failures affect it too, which can be as daft as a bulb blown on the way to the MOT station.
I’ve worked for lots of Green and Amber and Grey firms, but never a ‘red’ firm as far as I know, but a mate did and he spent as much time in VOSA (as it was at the time) check points as he did on the road.
I got pulled in a 64 plate merc don’t forget it’s about the trailer and taco aswell
You can get stopped whatever OCRS rating you are on, but DVSA certainly rate their interest in you according to your score. I’m on green, I’ve been stopped once and that was fairly obviously a random stop, there were three Police motorcycles on the Cullompton slip road as I came up the M5 and they pulled out following three consecutive trucks, of which I was the second. Whenever I pass a DVSA patrol car with ANPR, they never show any interest.
I am surprised how many OPERATORS don’t know about the OCRS system never mind how it actually works.
I always include a full explanation of the OCRS in a DCPC course so that drivers can fully appreciate how it works and why they tend to get either no DVSA attention or lots.
Go and ask you boss what the OCRS score is - bet he waffles.
Rubbish, any operator with Operator Licence control will know all about it OCRS, either restricted or not. But a wild accusation about “OPERATORS” not knowing about the OCRS is vague and untrue. You might have planners and or schedulers who are not are of it but that does not result in the same conclusion your are portraying there.
You might find drivers with no idea about it and that is by the by, drivers should be educated about it and their responsibility to help maintain the scoring for the good of the company, them and their workmates.
When it comes to waffling, DCPC courses are 80% waffle 10% useful 10% handouts.
I don’t know how many operators you know or meet but I know plenty and meet plenty who don’t know what OCRS is or maybe had heard of a ‘traffic light’ score but had no idea how it works or how to check it. I do tend to deal with the smaller end of the industry though.
I deliver Operator Refresher training - mainly to operators sent on a course by a TC for being naughty boys - many of those attending don’t know about the OCRS system - or certainly don’t know enough about it. Many are restricted licence holders And I think these are the main problem.
You certainly have a valid point about planners and schedulers and even some that call themselves a TM. They don’t know about OCRS but really should.
My original post did state ‘many operators’ - I didn’t say ‘all’ or ‘most’ … Just many.
Ive worked for a green light company past two years, ive been pulled twice, only real difference is its been a quick walk round check lights, horn, tyres etc… no longer than 5mins and on your way, or a quick download of the tachograph. Compared to getting pulled and dashboard taken apart looking for a wire and guy underneath the trailer.