Grampian international/Panalpina

Hi chaps,

Does anyone know what its like subbing for the above company, and the type of work they do (flatbed)? from my understanding, its all delivering and collecting supplies for the oil industry an often takes u up to Aberdeen and Peterhead etc?

Any help?


The company I work for subs to GIF out of the Aberdeen depot, I take it you would be out of the Great Yarmouth depot? Your right about the type of work, flatbed, stepframe and extender work normally to Aberdeen area but they do have a depot in the NL as well and a few of the subbies go over there on a regular basis.

Rates from Aberdeen are not too bad depending on which customer they are doing the job for.

If you are going to be doing traction work the trailers are well maintained by a garage who share there Aberdeen yard.

Not sure about the GY depot but I know the Aberdeen one is quiet at the moment.

Hope this helps