GPS what is best?

Hi All
I run a very small fleet (3 vehicles) and need to get tracking devices fitted for insurance purposes,I thought about just going for a standard tracker that can be activated if a vehicle is stolen,after talking to a couple of people they said about getting a GPS tracking device,

I have been offered a Box-Telematics GPS system on demo,now comes the questions I need help with,

1 - Is this a good system :question:
2 - Is it good value for money :question:
3 - Is there a better GPS system on the market at good value :question:
4 - Do I just go for a standard Tracker :question:

TIA for your replies


just had two fitted pay as you go £19.90p per month goes upto £25 per month if you want all the details

I have the £19.90 payg it is very impressiv live tracking, daily log details tells you all details you need start time/place miles traveled that day etc etc etc have a look on there web site

cost £95 fitting fee had mine about two weeks so far so good

Thanks John
It appears you are the only one on here with knowledge of this,now I just need to get the money man to cough up the dough :laughing:

Is it just tracking your after or is telematics does the tracking need to be live

Telematics gives you much more than just tracking

There are gps data loggers that can send data live also this could a cheaper option

Originally it was just a standard tracker that I was after but was advised they are not very good value for money,whereas Telematics could let me know where the truck is at all times which from a safety aspect of things (i.e Lorry jacking) I am warming to the idea more for the peace of mind knowing that my drivers are ok and safe out on the road,but any advice is welcome :slight_smile:

Youve been fed bs. Have a look at the link I’m my sig im sure we reviewed an active data logger even something basic from tracker would doo