Government prat

Transport Secretary Geoff Hoon reportedly called on Britons to “stop whingeing” and queried why more drivers had not acquired snow chains for their cars. :imp: :imp:

Transport Secretary Geoff Hoon reportedly called on Britons to “stop whingeing” and queried why more drivers had not acquired snow chains for their cars. :imp: :imp:

Probably because they are worried the local councils will prosecute them for damaging the road surface.

I think its a legal requirement in Germany to have Snow Tyres…get stuck without them and youre in trub!

Transport Secretary Geoff Hoon reportedly called on Britons to “stop whingeing” and queried why more drivers had not acquired snow chains for their cars. :imp: :imp:

He needs to get the local council pay everyone for lost time due to roads not bieng salted …

In the good old days people used to clear there section of pavement if everyone did this at least the pavements would be safe…

Or get the unemployed to clear the crucial areas like hospitals and old peoples homes…

I think its a legal requirement in Germany to have Snow Tyres…get stuck without them and youre in trub!

Get your hard hat on.

I await the is that you looking for more stuff to do us with responses. :laughing:

I think if Mr. Hoon whoever he is can get the multi million pound public transport system to brave the conditions then others might follow suit.

I’m afraid I’m inclined to agree with him. I went from being refused because a yard had 8 inches on it in Daventry to flying across the A66 past Stainmore in 2 feet of the stuff in one day. Nothing stops up here. But then our councils have snow ploughs and things and know what to do with them, as do the people. Our schools don’t shut either. The kids just wear more clothes and start walking earlier. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think its a legal requirement in Germany to have Snow Tyres…get stuck without them and youre in trub!

Not a “legal requirement” but “highly recommended”. If you are involved in an accident, or cause a hindrance to other road users when driving in wintry weather with “summer tyres”, you will be subject to a fine. Your insurance company will also not cover you for a claim, as they will argue that you have contravened the terms of your insurance cover.
This is why your average German will have two sets of car tyres, one on the car and the other set in the cellar, which can be swapped according to the time of year.

Dunno what all the fuss is about really. We live in country that is well known to have different weather at different times of the year. Most years we get snow in winter. This is the way it is. The way its always been, and the way it always will be. Why does it come as a shock when we all do get some white stuff? Shouldnt we all be prepared for any type of weather? How many of you took extra clothing, blankets , shovel etc last week , just incase ?

On the upside of all the snow everywhere, We can all pretend were ice road truckers :laughing:

Not extra, but I do carry them. But then I’m a tramper. Makes no difference to me if I sleep next to the road or on it. :grimacing:

Sorry , forgot about the trampers. Ill rephrase that question to :- How many of you shift drivers took extra clothing , blankets, shovel , food , etc ?


I think its a legal requirement in Germany to have Snow Tyres…get stuck without them and youre in trub!

Not a “legal requirement” but “highly recommended”. If you are involved in an accident, or cause a hindrance to other road users when driving in wintry weather with “summer tyres”, you will be subject to a fine. Your insurance company will also not cover you for a claim, as they will argue that you have contravened the terms of your insurance cover.
This is why your average German will have two sets of car tyres, one on the car and the other set in the cellar, which can be swapped according to the time of year.

Thanks for the info…very useful to have snow tyres then :smiley: .Arranger…if the Gov can bring in some more rules to make your life hell then bring em on :unamused: :laughing:

In fairness I haven’t seen enough snow to warrent chains. But this government has squeezed the motorist dry in relation to taxation so we should expect billiard table smooth clear running roads as a right. Or as someone else commented compensation.

I was going to post a reply but he is not worth my time

Sorry , forgot about the trampers. Ill rephrase that question to :- How many of you shift drivers took extra clothing , blankets, shovel , food , etc ?

Always have my hi-viz waterproof coat as well as warm clothes. Keep spare boots on the cab (safety trainers are not very waterproof :frowning: ); night heater works as does kettle :slight_smile: I have a few pot noodles and cuppa soups in the cupboard as well as coffee, milk and sandwiches. Don’t have a shovel - don’t get paid enough to do manual labour like digging the bloody thing out :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

When i was running the eu[before the s/chain regs]my boss an ex m/e driver reckoned when it was time to put s/chains on it was time to park up.

How many of you took extra clothing, blankets , shovel etc last week , just incase ?

I did, on wednesday I had to get my emergancy sleeping bag out it was so ■■■■■■■ cold!

When i was running the eu[before the s/chain regs]my boss an ex m/e driver reckoned when it was time to put s/chains on it was time to park up.

Or to put it another way “When it doubt…SWISH!!!:grimacing:

(Correct use of snow curtains, for the uninitiated. :wink: )

Sorry , forgot about the trampers. Ill rephrase that question to :- How many of you shift drivers took extra clothing , blankets, shovel , food , etc ?

I’m a tipper drivedr so I always carry a shovel :wink:

Lately I carry a blanket and wear extra clothes cos’ I spend a lot of the time hanging around waiting for a (non-existant) load. :frowning: :frowning: :wink:

Transport Secretary Geoff Hoon reportedly called on Britons to “stop whingeing” and queried why more drivers had not acquired snow chains for their cars. :imp: :imp:

Because I’ve been driving 11years and never needed them?

Besides, the British whineging is a national sport and moaning about the weather even more so.

had to borrow a shovel in austria to help dig a german truck out before he took the side of my cab out!..think ts still bungied to the trailer. :smiley:
goes to show a flaw in the goverments plan to get evil road users off the road and on public transport, not very good when a snow fall can stop all public transport i our capitol!.
geoff hoon has reportedly said people should spend £59 on snow chains and be prepared, this is from the same department who said earlier in the week you cant blame local goverment for not spending money on snow clearing machines if we only have bad snow strom every 18 years!, in other words its ok for you to spend your money on something you will use once every 18 years, but not local goverment. anyhows if your council is like mine they are skint because instead of using our money to improve the things that matter to you, they decided to gamble it in a icelandic bank!. now they have told us they plan to close at least 6 libaries, and a couple of swimming pools!. makes yer feel proud eh?..