Well after many weeks/months running around like an idiot on agency going from placement to placement some being good, bad and down right VERY bad
Anyway yesterday I started my first shift with superdrug as a drivers mate, I had a few teething problems at the start being the driver didn’t turn up So I ended up going with another driver which in the end worked out better as instead of going to birmingham I ended up doing the lincoln run going in to skeggy and boston
Anyhoo after the said shift I had an interview with Reed Bordall which I had to reschedule due to the shift at Superdrug, it didn’t get off to a good start due to the yard being confusing and having the geographical knowledge of a turnip around that yard.
But when I eventually got up to the transport office I was asked a variety of questions, of where I said the first thing which would be noticeable is I like trucks and eventually want to be a lorry driver. I was then asked if I minded going onto nights as one of the transport operators want to come off of nights to go onto days as days is Monday to Friday 9 whilst 5 and nights is 4 on 4 off, I said I’d preffer days but if I had been asked to do nights I wouldn’t mind as 4 on 4 off is a good shift pattern which I have experience with. And the dreaded question at the end which usually in my terms is ‘Thanks for turning up anyway’…being is there anything you’d like to ask us…First question being ‘If i happened to get my heavy goods license, would I be able to get put on as a relief driver for weekend work or in the 4 off if doing nights’ which I was told would happen if I wanted to as a new driver being in the transport office I’d be more of a priority. And the last question I asked being ‘When can I start?’ as advice given to me when I went for the dealership interview, and well she asked if I could start tomorrow (well today now) on nights 6 whilst 6 where I shall be given a month trial to see how I get on, as she could tell I was desperate to gain a start in transport and as I was both fullfilling dads request of me learning what goes on inside a transport office first so I can fall back on something should anything go ■■■■up with me driving lorries and my own request to see what goes on so I know what ■■■■the transport office have to deal with as I already got my experience in the warehouse in that respect.
So yes, as of yesterday was my last day on agency of which I shall never go back on agency work for as long as I can help it and today is my first day in transport of which I am one excited/nervous and two very thankful for as they could have hired someone with more experience than me, but they chose me for my enthusiasm and attitude towards the industry so for anyone new there are breaks out there if you go hunting for them and in the right place at the right time.
So folk can say what they like but I thought I’d give my share of good news, as I don’t usually have that much good news to give or have that’s actually been followed through
So I suppose now it’s just waiting to the start of my shift at 6 and hoping I do well through my months trial Wish me luck I suppose