Got moaned at

Well it’s nice to see Tnuk doing what it does best, thought this thread had potential for handbags at 50 paces.

Not that it’s note worthy but I try and keep my Spanish up to date by conversing on Espanyol forums using my alter ego Dipper Diego…

I also speak Butchers back slang have a brown belt in ■■■■■■■■■■■, like long walks and nights in.

Well it’s nice to see Tnuk doing what it does best, thought this thread had potential for handbags at 50 paces.

Not that it’s note worthy but I try and keep my Spanish up to date by conversing on Espanyol forums using my alter ego Dipper Diego…

I also speak Butchers back slang have a brown belt in ■■■■■■■■■■■, like long walks and nights in.

Any minute now someone is bound to ask if you mean Espanol.

Jingle Jon:

Well it’s nice to see Tnuk doing what it does best, thought this thread had potential for handbags at 50 paces.

Not that it’s note worthy but I try and keep my Spanish up to date by conversing on Espanyol forums using my alter ego Dipper Diego…

I also speak Butchers back slang have a brown belt in ■■■■■■■■■■■, like long walks and nights in.

Any minute now someone is bound to ask if you mean Espanol.

Well now that you bring it up…