Got a visit from vosa tomorrow

i have two chaps from vosa coming around at 9am tomorrow 1 to inspect my tacho’s and the other to inspect my maintainance records.

i shall add to this thread after my visit as i have a point to make on this subject & you never know who is watching! :stuck_out_tongue:

Good luck mate. Hope it all goes well for you.

In the words of Dave Allen “May your god be with you”.

The only time I had one of those visits I was running 12 rigids and an artic. I’d never been on the receiving end of an inspection so phoned round some friends to find out what to expect.

I was told the guy would go over the paperwork with a fine tooth comb and probably go over a couple of the wagons. I had no real worries about any of it as I ran the operation to the letter of the law. At a weekend we used to park the vehicles nose to tail in the warehouse and this bloke turned up on a Saturday morning(!). Having failed to find anything wrong with paperwork or tacho’s he started at the front vehicle and didn’t stop til he got to the back one. He didn’t find anything wrong with any of them (which surprised me, after all, there are so many potential faults on a truck) but I got the impression it had become a point of principle for him to find “something”. Was a very nerve wracking 5 hours.

He was very pleasant throughout but I did feel I was in the prescence of a smiling assassin.

ok visit over…phew

the point i was going to make was why send two different people to one address re use of resources but they answered my question for me.

1 was a traffic examiner ie tachos,driving licences etc the other was a vehicle examiner ie maintaince.

they were going to inspect the vehicle but as i’ve recently moved to a different o/c it was too far away.

oh and they found nothing major wrong but did give me some advice on a couple of things,which was welcome & as with qhunter they were very pleasant and professional.

Most Vosa people I, as a driver, have met with, had the attitude they are there to help you, as well as to do you, they usually don’t like doing people if they can help it, but if someone is taking the micky, then they go in with all guns blazing.

with your truck records, dont keep anything in the file thats over 15 months old, service sheets,defects,maintainance,call outs etc (the legal minimum) + the current and previous MOT certs,tacho calibration certs,plating certs and archive the rest, if you leave anything in the file thats over 15 months old and you get pulled then VOSA can use anything in the file against you. but if you archive anything,make sure you keep it, as anything you take out of a trucks file, still has to be kept for much longer than 15 months, but cant really be used against you. its just a pain to keep going back through the files regularly and removing and archiving anything over 15 months. I know coz I`ve just had to do it to 80+ trailers & 60+ tractors.
what a mind numbingly boring task it is too