Got a class 1 job

So as some of you may know I’ve been out training with TRG tesco. It’s been fun and the bloke I’ve trained with has been decent through out.

Time has come now where they believe I am up to standard, can go out on my own and start work.
Starting off part-time to get into the swing of it all then progress to full-time when I’m ready.

Chuffed. Took a month - passed 1st April.

Well done mate! All the best to you…
Keep us posted :slight_smile:

Congrats and well done.
Nice to see it hasn’t taken too long.
And is your associated ahem, ‘package’ suitably healthy? I get the impression that Supermarket trunking is reasonably well compensated…?

So you took your test on the 1st April eh? Brave guy!
Bet there is a fight every year to do tests that day, amongst the examiners who ‘think’ they have a sense of humour :open_mouth:


Thanks a lot

Yeah its not too bad - a step up from what I’m on at the moment so I look forward to when I go full time which will be a substantial increase. All in all its really good, it’s on my doorstep and there is a good vibe about the place, I’m pleased.

And yeah I only took it on the 1st as my initial test got cancelled!

The examiner said in the past on April 1st an examiner pranked someone by saying they’d passed then to say it’s an April fools actually you failed - what a horrible ba$tard!

Well done Dave. Don’t think I would be able to resist the april fools thing if I was an examiner.

Probably just as well im not.

Haha cheers beaver

fantastic Dave

am really pleased for you :slight_smile:

once I finish my period training CPC I will look into Trg.

so maybe see you around :smiley:

Thanks mate.

They are one of few companies that funds periodic CPC hours.

are you based in Reading?

Thanks mate.

They are one of few companies that funds periodic CPC hours.

are you based in Reading?

no am not in Reading but only an hour drive away from it :smiley: