Gordon Brown

At least we dont have the Euro, i think thats the only thing we CAN thank him for.

We’re not in the Euro because we couldn’t meet the criteria, or at least not unless we did a Greece and indulged in some very creative accounting. :wink:

We’re not in the Euro because we couldn’t meet the criteria, or at least not unless we did a Greece and indulged in some very creative accounting. :wink:

We also need to rejoin the ERM or ERM II before we could join the Euro. We need to be in the ERM for at least two years, so in a backhanded way, we need to thank John Major and the events of Black Wednesday in 1992

Wheel Nut:

i don’t know why you northerners keep labour in power. ok so maggie killed off the mines but these arse holes are sending us back to the dark ages. and every time clegg speaks i want to hit him more and more

Don’t blame all the Northerners, take out the dumb arses in the North East and West Yorkshire, Labour do not have a lot of support, even the Scots are dismissive of Gordon the Moron.

Look at the map of England, not the UK

But the Scots in Kircaldy and Cowdenbeath seem to know when they’re onto a good thing.It’s probably the thought of losing all the money we give them if the SNP won :open_mouth: :laughing: .As it stands everyone in Surrey has to pay for the so called ‘poorer’ areas in Scotland,then the Welsh,then the Northerners in England,then Europe while our own roads have got potholes which can swallow a cyclist or two and our county council is close to bankruptcy at which point they’ll probably hand it all over to the Londoners and after turning us into a concrete jungle we’ll be as poor as that zb place. :open_mouth: :laughing:

Sugar Ray:
At least we dont have the Euro, i think thats the only thing we CAN thank him for.

Brown was only against the Euro because Blair was for it…



TTX boy:
Gordon Brown is the greatest PM we have ever had !

Yeah right only if you’re Scottish.

getting the impression theres a anti scottish theme going on , here was thinking this forum was for all in the uk…



TTX boy:
Gordon Brown is the greatest PM we have ever had !

Yeah right only if you’re Scottish.

getting the impression theres a anti scottish theme going on , here was thinking this forum was for all in the uk…

Not anti scottish just stating facts in the context of the thread.It’s obvious that the Labour party and it’s leader gave Scotland a better deal than England when it came to issuing Central Government funding for services.That’s no more anti Scottish than the SNP is anti English.