Google Earth

I started to highlight various shops, Factories Etc in the Paisley ,Renfrew and Hillington areas on Google Earth the other night and hope to extend that across Glasgow and the West as time permits. If this of use to anyone or there is somewhere you’d like highlighted let me know via this thread and I’ll see to it

I find Google earth a useful addition to the stuff I already use for navigation purposes.

my computer wont let download for some reason. :cry: :cry: :cry:

jessicas dad:
my computer wont let download for some reason. :cry: :cry: :cry:

In case you nick it and try selling it!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

I find it interesting to go and have a look at the various truckstops and MSAs.
The MSAs are particularly interesting when you compare the amount of parking for cars and Trucks, Birchanger makes for a good example.

tend to use multimap or google earth to double check the site if told its tight,then do arial shot to check its not a farm in the middle of nowhere.

I find it interesting to go and have a look at the various truckstops and MSAs.
The MSAs are particularly interesting when you compare the amount of parking for cars and Trucks, Birchanger makes for a good example.

You will be able to find loads of plastic bottles of urine and report it to the management :smiley:


jessicas dad:
my computer wont let download for some reason. :cry: :cry: :cry:

In case you nick it and try selling it!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

could be worth a try :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

got it going now but to be honest not over imressed it is about a year out of date.

i tried looking at freightliner and it gave the pictures of the old fm volvo’s and they have been gone over a year now.

Many of the layers are out of date by as much as 3-4 Years but overall it’s an amazing piece of technology in my opinion. The beauty of it is that although the Trucks are out of date Jessicas Dad YOU CAN SEE THEM . Much easier to spot a location and recognise it than by use of a map or SatNav, but obviously you’d want to use it in conjunction WITH those.

I downloaded it a year or so ago but soon got fed up because all the places labelled just appeared as great big white blanks concealing the picture.
I tried several times to get advice from their forum but got no help.
I suppose it is just a deficiency in my setup, but if nobody will tell me how can I rectify it?

I have just downloaded it and am having a go, and unless im doing something wrong, it only seems to be a few places that you can zoom in on any kind of detail??

there are thousands of places you can zoom in quite close. Most of the Birmingham area, Luton, Dunstable, Milton Keynes area, London, Glasgow to name a few. Almost the whole of Germany is in good detail. The best detail I have found is Cambridge Massachusetts, next to Boston. Las Vegas strip is a good one as well.

You need to give the maps time to load when you zoom in.

Most of West Yorkshire is there in good detail too, in fact it’s good enough that you can quite clearly see my Land Rover in the car park of the place I used to work in Leeds.


Is this the same Google earth i have.tried to get a route from south yorks to devon,but only via Manhatton seems to be all american.Or am i not doing right!

I downloaded it a year or so ago but soon got fed up because all the places labelled just appeared as great big white blanks concealing the picture.
I tried several times to get advice from their forum but got no help.
I suppose it is just a deficiency in my setup, but if nobody will tell me how can I rectify it?

Turn “3D buildings” off.