Google Chrome users

I’ve had a problem getting online using chrome, I’ve had to revert to steam powered IE. Any other chrome users had the same problem or is just my computer?

no problem on lappy and desktop at home

I must have a problem with my computer, I’ll run a virus check just in case.

Get some anti-spyware stuff installed (I use both Spybot search and Destroy, and Spyware Blaster), scan with your anti-virus (make sure it’s up to date), then re-install Chrome.

Get some anti-spyware stuff installed (I use both Spybot search and Destroy, and Spyware Blaster), scan with your anti-virus (make sure it’s up to date), then re-install Chrome.

My anti virus/anti spyware is up to date. My computer scans daily and removes any that’s found and it still wont load. I’m using firefox at the moment as IE is pants and steam powered!!

I am going to wait a while Beta testing is finished but Im also tempted with Safari

Safari is the browser built into mac’s I believe.
The programme is well tested, is good and fast. The only difficulty would be in porting it to run properly on Windows.
If that’s been sorted, go for it.

I’m quite happy using SeaMonkey, Mozillas internet suite, so I’m sticking with that for now.

Safari for Windows XP & Vista is available

Download here

i use srware version which doesnt send infomation to google

i tried google chrome, it sucked so bad i purposely went back to IE…

i tried google chrome, it sucked so bad i purposely went back to IE…

That would have been the beta version. It’s now a full version and stable. I wouldn’t use anything else, the rest are slow by comparison :smiley: :sunglasses: :wink: