Good places to park between Swansea/Leominster?

Picking up in Leominster in morning and I’m wanting a deacent place to park over the Heads Of the Valleys Road.
Was going to Park at Aberdare behind the sports centre but I can get further up. Any ideas lads■■? Pub and takeaways close by would help :smiley:

Abergavenny bus station.

What’s it like getting in there around about 18:00■■? It ain’t the biggest of places is it pal?

What’s it like getting in there around about 18:00■■? It ain’t the biggest of places is it pal?

Should have no problem, might have to park in the car park if the lorry bays are full.

Cheers mate, I’ll give it a try.


What’s it like getting in there around about 18:00■■? It ain’t the biggest of places is it pal?

Should have no problem, might have to park in the car park if the lorry bays are full.

And Abbergavenny is a lovely little town also.

Brecon lorry park.
Talgarth lorry park.
Hereford lorry park.
Leominster lorry park.
Abergavenny lorry park.
Big layby on the A465 nr Wormbridge by the Shell garage with oub that does cheap meals behind it.
My personal choice would be Brecon or Talgarth though. We run that way regularily from Pt Talbot. No probs.

Cheers lads.