Good deed done! tis the season!

Coming home from getting myself some grub saw an artic that loads out of work heading for a dead end down my estate so pulled up and ended up seeing him reverse into a side road to turn round, I’m probably the worlds worst banksman, but no puppies or cars were flattened :open_mouth: then he pulled up and I drove him round to show him a half decent place to park up for the night and dropped him off at the nearby chip shop. Hope he enjoyed his dinner and won’t do it again it’s a tight squeeze in a car round here haa ha!

Sorry for waffling on just thought I’d show that I’d rather not see someone, who’s a fairly new driver, ■■■■ up more than they have too.

done that once for a car transporter driver he came to a 12 ft bridge while trying to get to our local Vauxhall dealer,i told him which way to go and proceeded to reverse him into a side rd,next thing is a car driver comes screaming up and starts mouthing off about getting past,i shout back about having patience,turns out the guys mother was taking her last breathes in the local hospital and he was rushing to say goodbye,i did feel bloody guilty and embarrassed considering I was helping to block the road

I know what you mean truckman I was just hoping nothing went wrong, luckily it was pretty quiet and uneventful unlike yours I’d of felt pretty embarrassed too if that kinda thing happened to me.

The ‘feel good factor’ of doing a good turn is worth putting yourself out a bit. Im sorry the shine was taken off a bit of yours, but its the thought that counts and I’m sure the other trucker was grateful :slight_smile:

A couple of years ago there was a Czech driver parked in a big lay by near where I live, day before Christmas Eve.
He was still there Christmas Eve, and my boy told me he was still there on Christmas day.
Anyway the Mrs made some turkey sarnies, there was mince pies, a couple of bottles of beer, a few chocs, and a chunk of Christmas cake, we put them in a box.
I took it round knocked on his cab door, he looked a bit wary at first, but I told him I was also a driver. Ok his English was bad, my Czech was worse but sign language done the trick.
I just imagined myself being weekended abroad over Christmas.

Did something totally opposite to the day to day drudge just before xmas.

We are quiet, as we deliver to the building game, and I was in a Sainsburys local getting a sandwich one day when out in the gaffers car, when the old guy in front of me was trying to buy an angel cake and a pint of milk, when his card was declined for £1.49. The shop assistant felt awful having to tell the old guy, so I reached into my pocket, and paid for his goodies and sent him on his way so he could enjoy a brew and a slice of cake. The old guy was nearly in tears as he wished me a merry xmas and a good new year.

I hope that he did indeed enjoy.

Sometimes it’s nice to be important, but more important to be nice.


Did something totally opposite to the day to day drudge just before xmas.

We are quiet, as we deliver to the building game, and I was in a Sainsburys local getting a sandwich one day when out in the gaffers car, when the old guy in front of me was trying to buy an angel cake and a pint of milk, when his card was declined for £1.49. The shop assistant felt awful having to tell the old guy, so I reached into my pocket, and paid for his goodies and sent him on his way so he could enjoy a brew and a slice of cake. The old guy was nearly in tears as he wished me a merry xmas and a good new year.

I hope that he did indeed enjoy.

Sometimes it’s nice to be important, but more important to be nice.


fair play to you,nice one,happy new year chap

A couple of years ago there was a Czech driver parked in a big lay by near where I live, day before Christmas Eve.
He was still there Christmas Eve, and my boy told me he was still there on Christmas day.
Anyway the Mrs made some turkey sarnies, there was mince pies, a couple of bottles of beer, a few chocs, and a chunk of Christmas cake, we put them in a box.
I took it round knocked on his cab door, he looked a bit wary at first, but I told him I was also a driver. Ok his English was bad, my Czech was worse but sign language done the trick.
I just imagined myself being weekended abroad over Christmas.

can’t be very nice I agree,good job

I was going to use the season to show good will to all, but this stupid 7.5t driver only tried pulling in to my lane on the motorway so I humbugged him into a spin… :sunglasses:

A couple of years ago there was a Czech driver parked in a big lay by near where I live, day before Christmas Eve.
He was still there Christmas Eve, and my boy told me he was still there on Christmas day.
Anyway the Mrs made some turkey sarnies, there was mince pies, a couple of bottles of beer, a few chocs, and a chunk of Christmas cake, we put them in a box.
I took it round knocked on his cab door, he looked a bit wary at first, but I told him I was also a driver. Ok his English was bad, my Czech was worse but sign language done the trick.
I just imagined myself being weekended abroad over Christmas.

i went to work on wednesday and seen a polish driver parked up 10 mins from were i stay.Asked about and he was not loading till the thursday mentioned it in work.They sent a van out picked him up so he could get a shower and stuff also they got him his dinner fully paid for by my gaffer and told if he is ever here again on a break to come round the yard and they would sort him out.Dont think there is many companies about like that now.

I did feel good after it just in the knowing that he had a chance to sit down with my gaffer and get a good meal at this time of year.Im not goin to name who i work for as im on a cushy job and well paid.

Early finish Christmas Eve and driving home, passed a Morrisons artic parked up in country lay-by with engine running and driver looking lost ,so I stopped.

Turned out to be a agency driver shipped in from another region given hand drawn directions to our local Morries and taken a wrong turn. Ended up with me driving there with him following.

Put about half an hour on my trip home but hey, I’m a great believer in what goes round, comes round.

Happy new year to all.

Christmas eve years ago and I’ve just done a delivery to Peacocks store in Stepney, East London. Having a break on the A13 and a German wagon pulls in the driver asked me in broken English how to get to the A1 at Highbury.

I said to him " Haven’t you got a London AtoZ ? " he didn’t know what I was on about :slight_smile:

Shown him how to get there in my battered AtoZ, then remembered I’d bought a new one about a month before, it was in the bottom of my bag.

So I gave the driver my old AtoZ as a present and his face lit up like a Christmas tree.

Made me feel good and all was fine in the world…

The truckstop at Lincoln farm cafe, Birmingham , had about a dozen foreign drivers parked up over Christmas, the owners had their Christmas lunch then took some food over to the lads in their cabs .
I once was abroad over Christmas, would never do it again, there i was in a frozen cab, in the ice and snow in a MSA, i could see all the cars coming in with all the wrapped presents in the back of their cars .

We took the dog for a walk on Boxing Day and in the entrance to a cafe on the pier where we were walking was a black sheet erected as a windbreak and a person behind in a sleeping bag , he had a notice written saying " Happy Christmas , homeless and jobless due to work related injury ", I got talking to him and he is a really intelligent bloke who told me he was an engineer but crushed his hand at work and had subsequently had not been able to work and had used all his savings to cover the short fall on his rent , he ran out of money ,went to DSS who said they would cover the rent , he told the landlord he was now a DSS tenant ant he threw him out as he only took rents in cash and didnt want to get involved with the "tax system ", so he was homeless. I said I would speak to my son who has HMO,s taking DSS to see if he had any vacant rooms , well he did as the tenant moved out on Christmas eve, my son and I went to see John and he moved in yesterday afternoon after several nights sleeping in sub zero tempretures . My good deed for the year

Coming home from getting myself some grub saw an artic that loads out of work heading for a dead end down my estate so pulled up and ended up seeing him reverse into a side road to turn round, I’m probably the worlds worst banksman, but no puppies or cars were flattened :open_mouth: then he pulled up and I drove him round to show him a half decent place to park up for the night and dropped him off at the nearby chip shop. Hope he enjoyed his dinner and won’t do it again it’s a tight squeeze in a car round here haa ha!

Sorry for waffling on just thought I’d show that I’d rather not see someone, who’s a fairly new driver, ■■■■ up more than they have too.

I’d have invited him in for some bevvies, cheese n biscuits
etc and a ■■■■■■■■■ but that’s my kind heart I suppose :smiley:

Haa ha Bald Bloke I didn’t have any biscuits unfortunately!
Good to see people still lend a hand here an there

I was in the trucking industry over 30 years. Without the good deeds from others I would never have made it that long. I hope, over the years, I’ve paid my dues by giving the same help to others.
I can tell you good deeds are not forgotten. Yeah, there are those who don’t give a ■■■■ but they don’t seem to last too long. In my experience there are a hell of a lot of good mates out there and I wish them all the best. After all, ’ It is the season’. :smiley: