"good" agencies in the Central Belt of Scotlandesceister

Who does everyone work through and who is getting regular work? (to either save or compound my paranoia!)
Im with NAS, who have been great once yer “kent”.
Tried Search but found them next to useless, and when I pointed out one of their clients was advocating less than legal drive times, well, that was me. So no real loss.
Just signed up with Driverhire today, Who ive heard mixed reports about.

there aint really any good ones tbh, N.A.S are one of the better ones, manpower are ok, but tbh i keep asking for artic work and they always turn round and send me on van jobs,

driver hire pay rubbish and some of the jobs are a nightmare.also make sure they pay u correctly because i have had them try screw me over

Would agree with Gogzy…

Never had much bother with the lads in there … Even when i had a an accident at Iceland Livingston… They backed me 100%…
Driver Hire in Edinburgh West (south Gyle)… are not as good at paying the old Green backs…
