Going for a job

As we all know most places take you out for a driving assessment which means using your diggi card, what can happen when your present employer downloads your card and see’s another wagon on your card, ie if you’ve thrown a sicky to go for the interview :laughing:

please list excuses here :laughing: :laughing:

Do the drive of your life so you are a shoe in for the job then it dont matter what your current boss thinks.

If they ask why theres other work and driving on your card say “Hmmm its a mystery to me boss. I was laid up all day. Might be a fault with the card. Let me see it”. Take card,turn round and leg it sharpish :laughing:

Demand that you do the assessment around their yard. Isn`t that out-of-scope? :grimacing:

Always a tricky one this if you work somewhere that downloads cards daily, you just have to make sure you pass the assessment!!

Last time I did this I was working an afternoon shift, 2pm start. The assessment was at 10am… safe to say sods law dictated that I was struggling like hell to get back for the yard for 1am. Pulled card at 12.57am & ‘forgot’ to have it downloaded!! :laughing: By the time they saw I had driven elsewhere and hence nearly done a 15 hour spread, i’d already been offered the job :sunglasses:

If you have time order a new card do your assessment on your old card then take your new card to work :grimacing:

Put a tag on the keys you hand in that matches the registration of the other yard’s assessment vehicle… :bulb:

When they download your card at the hatch, and see it’s got activity for the keys you’ve just handed in - no one will think anything of it! :stuck_out_tongue:

…If your yard is big enough, what’s the chances of the bod scrutinizing your card data actually knowing all the registrations of units in that yard? :confused:

…Maybe the bod downloading it is agency themselves… :unamused:

Or simply dont throw a sicky, go do the assesment.
If you current employer queries the data (unlikely), MTFU and tell your current employer you’ve been looking for another job, which involved a driving assesment & your looking to see if the grass is greener etc. They may consider some enhancement to your current terms to encourage you to stay, throwing a sicky is just giving your current employer ammunition to sack or discipline you.

Or simply dont throw a sicky, go do the assesment.
If you current employer queries the data (unlikely), MTFU and tell your current employer you’ve been looking for another job, which involved a driving assesment & your looking to see if the grass is greener etc. They may consider some enhancement to your current terms to encourage you to stay, throwing a sicky is just giving your current employer ammunition to sack or discipline you.

this is the route I was thinking of.

As above.

Do the assessment only on the understanding that the job will be offered if it goes ok.

As for the current employer, If its queried, I would just tell him what youve done....youve nothing to be ashamed of.
I`m assuming you owe this current employer nothing.

There is every chance that your ‘new boss will’ want a reference . And maybe phone your employer.

If you pull a sicky that is just pulling a fast one & it will reflect as unreliable. Puts you in bad light & clouds your working record.

or simply tell your current employer (if your asked),
it’s non of your business,
it’s my card, my driving hours, my life and you don’t own me.

Looks good on a resignation note - but not so good if guvnor hands you a P45… :open_mouth:

Pulling a sickie is being dishonest, there is a chance that somebody from work may see you on the road, when you are supposed to be “ill”.
You own the digi card, or the State does, it is
better to tell the employer, there is no shame in looking around for other jobs.

I think we’re at the point again where that threat has no meaning anymore because you can literally walk out of one job into another.