God for a night out

Due too me working tonight so not be able to drink,and the £120 cost of a taxi I’ve been given( stitched up) with the tax of retrieving one ■■■■■■ daughter and her 3 mates from a club at 3a.m :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :frowning:
Any advice on how too deal with 4 ■■■■■■ up girls who don’t listen to a word of my wisely words when there sober let alone ■■■■■■
N.b I’m really hoping I get well and truly stitched up at work and end up on a night out :exclamation: :exclamation: :smiley: :smiley:

Yeah hand them the bill for the taxi or next time they call stuck then tell em to fix it n hang up

Don’t forget the sick bags if you value your car.

Stop the car if they start acting a ■■■■ and throw them out

£120 for a taxi? :open_mouth:

They can fly to Paris cheaper

Are they fit? Photos?

Are they fit? Photos?

This lol

from experience …grin and bear it :smiley: . oh and don’t agree to collect them outside the club , meet them a couple of hundred yards away its not easy trying to remove a trio of drunken yoofs who have convinced themselves your a [zb ing ] taxi . :smiley: have fun and enjoy the scenery as you wait

Take plastic bags (puke) drive fast get them out fast …oh dont let them eat.
I have a 20 year old student son :unamused: :laughing: :laughing:

How did it go? Any sordid photos?

Of the friends, not your daughter. That would be a bit weird.

You should have used the guy in the title of your thread.


1 bloke and 3 ■■■■■■ girls, well I have an idea!


Tipper Tom:

Us pervs are waiting.

1 miserable git and 3 ■■■■■■ girls, well I have an idea!