
Coming back from Whitcurch this morning along the A41 at about 0730, just as traffic is starting to get heavy. The amount of lunatics I saw performing dangerous manoeuvres, overtaking near corners and cutting in narrowly missing the milk tanker infront and the oncoming van. I genuinely couldn’t believe my eyes. I know the general public do silly overtakes on single carriageways roads but with me working nights I don’t normally witness it to this degree. Today was a long shift and I ended up working through rush hour so I witnessed it in its full glory lol. Honestly you’d think they were fleeing a bank robbery or summat :unamused: What’s more you get a few miles down the road and the buggers are there parked in queuing traffic at the traffic lights :unamused:

Try the A41 through the night and early mornings to witness some really scary driving. Running to and from the ferries always chasing…
I have to use this road regularly and it can get frightening when many drivers blatantly disregard both speed limits and simple common sense, not in cars but in heavy trucks driven by “professional” drivers…

you aint been driving that long then :unamused:

I know the general public do silly overtakes on single carriageways roads but with me working nights I don’t normally witness it to this degree. Today was a long shift and I ended up working through rush hour so I witnessed it in its full glory lol.

It’s amazing, isn’t it? I’m in the same boat as you, I work nights and am normally all done by about 5am, but occasinally I get held up and find myself on the Birmingham bit of the M6 around 5 - 6am. It’s like someone throws a switch: at 4.59, all the idiots are still in bed, but at 5, they’re all on the motorway, sweeping imperiously off the slip road straight to the outside lane, or chopping into their off slip with inches to spare. How do people live like that day in, day out? I couldn’t go back to days now, not for any money.

you aint been driving that long then :unamused:

Just into my 4th month as it happens.

I used to do a weekly car-commute between Gloucester and Peterborough before the A144 was built, so through Leicester city and then the A47 heading east. It was far less stressful doing the run at night, even in a Mk II ■■■■■■ with brown headlights.

Try the A41 through the night and early mornings to witness some really scary driving. Running to and from the ferries always chasing…
I have to use this road regularly and it can get frightening when many drivers blatantly disregard both speed limits and simple common sense, not in cars but in heavy trucks driven by “professional” drivers…

I’ve been on the A41/49 to Shrewsbury at night a few times, there’s always a big Scania motoring along. Really don’t know how they do it. I’ve been overtaken by another artic on there awell, and not on the wide parts either :open_mouth:

A41/49 to Shrewsbury

From Warrington

Great, this looks like its going to be a regular run of mine :unamused: :laughing:


A41/49 to Shrewsbury

From Warrington

Great, this looks like its going to be a regular run of mine :unamused: :laughing:

Enjoy :smiley: Night time is a bit dreary (when isn’t it) but some good scenery down that way during the day.

Hi Tarrman, thankfully day time but a night or two a week sleeping out down there.

I’m on permanent nights and I can’t be doing with days. Too many ■■■■■■■ idiots

What I don’t get is people hammering up the road, who then turn off into Tesco’s, park up then amble over to the store for their shopping. Why was getting there so quickly so important when they then plod along!?

I was at a friends house the other week when it was school kicking out time. There were parents driving along pavements, parking on corners, on the pavement, stopping randomly with no indicators and everything :smiling_imp: Why do they assume because they are picking up Tarquin that the can do as the want!


you aint been driving that long then :unamused:

Just into my 4th month as it happens.

give it another 30yrs and you still wont have seen everything :unamused:

You’e right, OP. Some of the dangerous overtakes you see on single carriageways are ridiculous including the A41.

That stretch of straight re surfaced road by Kingsbury oil terminal to J9 of the 42 is bad for it, people with crap cars trying to overtake petrol tankers and nearly going head on with other petrol tankers.

Muppetry, is it really worth killing yourself for the over take particularly if there’s another lorry just up ahead & you’re 2 mile from the motorway? If you have a competition car then fair enough but watching birds & douche bag young team in clapped out Fiesta’s trying to kill themselves & you is just depressing. :unamused:

They overtake on solid white lines to save time yet they are happy to sit at a red light■■? :confused: both carry 3 points and a fine.
Even weirder is they overtake on a blind bend risking death and then you pass their car parked outside a 24hour garage :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :unamused: