Giving the industry a bad name

Very unprofessional…East Anglian DT ‏@EADT24
Suffolk: More than 200 lorry drivers caught breaking the law on roads during week-long operation

Very unprofessional…East Anglian DT ‏@EADT24
Suffolk: More than 200 lorry drivers caught breaking the law on roads during week-long operation

Lets put this into perspective having read it’s Daily Mail type headline 200 offences of which 125 were wearing no seatbelt yes an offence but not one that puts the public in any danger only the driver, and before you start yes I do wear mine

Or looking at it a different way, a small percentage of drivers are breaking a law designed to protect them and an even smaller percentage are breaking other undefined laws.

That brings the multi billion pound a year haulage and logistics industry into disrepute in your opinion.

Surely the thousands of other drivers who as far as we know are religiously sticking to every single law shows how wonderful our industry is.

Or look at it this way…

200+ drivers who cant follow simple rules justify why the DCPC is needed.

So was that 230 out of 250 or was it 230 out of 2000. Either way it was 190 stupid drivers for either not wearing a seat belt or being on the phone :cry:

Or looking at it another way there were 9 or 10 police officers who spent a whole week chasing a minority group of road users instead of dealing with real crime or anti-social behaviour.

Or is there so little crime and anti-social behaviour in Suffolk that they can spare 9 or 10 coppers for a week to chase after a minority group of road users :unamused:

200+ drivers who cant follow simple rules justify why the DCPC is needed.

I wouldn’t mind betting those 190 drivers caught not wearing seat belts or using mobiles knew they were breaking the law, so how would the DCPC prevent it :confused:

Iam not saying DCPC will prevent drivers breaking the law.

Iam saying when drivers are out there being unprofessional eg catching 200 drivers breaking the law in 5 day period in Suffolk.

Times that by all regional areas everyday of the week,over a year, then it would be thousands of drivers breaking the law each and every day.

You can see why the powers that be think its a good idea to send drivers back to school.

Or look at it this way…

200+ drivers who cant follow simple rules justify why the DCPC is needed.


It is just the arrogance of so many drivers that think they are above the law and of course they are so good they will never have an accident!
Same goes with the ones that break the speed limits but think they are doing so safely.In another recent post we had an ex LGV Instructor (albeit only 3 years) saying it was ok to speed if it was safe!
To many clowns in the industry these days.

Times that by all regional areas everyday of the week,over a year, then it would be thousands of drivers breaking the law each and every day.

The same one’s that do it are likely to do it all week and all year so that’s not as drastic as you are making out. However it’s still to many, which is unacceptable as far as I’m concerned :angry:

Same goes with the ones that break the speed limits but think they are doing so safely.In another recent post we had an ex LGV Instructor (albeit only 3 years) saying it was ok to speed if it was safe!
To many clowns in the industry these days.

We get the message, you are the patron saint of lorry drivers. However the constant reminders are not necessary.
You seem to be the sort of person that drives on perfectly good roads at 37mph, wrapped up in your own bubble of self importance. Bet you have “I slow down for horses” and “I sponsor a child” stickers on your car. Just to reinforce your saintly behaviour.

65 of them on the poxy mobile phone!!!

Well done plod.

I’ve not read the article (my laptop didnt like it :confused: ) but if I understand it correctly from the posts, 200 truckers were caught breaking the law, off which 125 were not wearing a seat belt. Bearing mind the amount off traffic going to and from Felixstowe on its own let alone other HGV traffic in Suffolk, thats not actually alot at all. Though not wearing a seat belt is stupid, if only that it gives plod a reason to stop you, its hardly like being speed crazed drink fueled maniac is it :unamused:


Or look at it this way…

200+ drivers who cant follow simple rules justify why the DCPC is needed.


It is just the arrogance of so many drivers that think they are above the law and of course they are so good they will never have an accident!
Same goes with the ones that break the speed limits but think they are doing so safely.In another recent post we had an ex LGV Instructor (albeit only 3 years) saying it was ok to speed if it was safe!
To many clowns in the industry these days.

Blimey, someone rattled you :unamused:

Let me get this right, 9 police officers two patrol cars two motorcycles and a weeks truck hire which does approx 10mpg.
Take a ride with me for a day and I will show you hundreds of people on phones and commiting all sorts of offences.
For a “crackdown on lorry drivers whose actions could put the lives of motorists at risk” caught 65 on phones and 13 defective vehicles in a whole week.
Is there such a lack of crime in these countys that we can waste this kind of money?

In other news, Suffolk plod waved countless incompetent useless sods on because they looked like good little drones all belted up, later one of them drove over the cyclist he failed to see due to not being able to see round the TGX/FM’s wardrobe door mirrors because of seat belt lock up.

Is this what our industry has become, a lorry driver is a professional because he wears a seat belt.

Is this all our expensive police service have to keep them occupied, nicking perfectly competent never had an accident in 30 bloody years hairy arsed lorry drivers for no seat belt.

Enjoy your new world utopian hell, thanks Christ i don’t have many more years left.

The very same Suffolk Norfolk and Essex police forces ticketing HGV drivers for not displaying lights in laybys overnight. :angry:

due to not being able to see round the TGX/FM’s wardrobe door mirrors because of seat belt lock up.

Then he should have stopped!!! :imp: No excuse. Why can’t people just drive to the law■■? It’s far less stressful believe me :unamused:

Wearing or not wearing a seat belt doesn’t make you a good driver.

If the seat belt interferes with the mirrors buy a “Clunk Clip”, have the belt a little slacker and you’ll see round them no worries.

I object to the wasted resources not the enforcement of seat belt law, however how many car drivers did they let away while looking at HGVs?

well sat here on the side of the A303 I have seen more drivers not wearing their belts than wearing them, what It didn’t say in the report was were all the drivers that were caught british or not as the police can issue on the spot fines to anyone, if you have an address in the uk you get 14 days to pay, if not you have to pay there and then, so to say its giving the industry a bad name personally I don’t think so, but hey that’s just my opinion :wink: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: