Girls blouse drifting apart

Don’t know if been posted before but good. :smiley: :laughing: :smiley: :laughing: … re=related

Nice :wink: :wink:

Nice :wink: :wink:

Both of them :wink: :laughing:

I noticed that he was having a slight problem getting traction as approached the apex - maybe flicking the tail a little would help.
What was that passenger doing - totally distracting :wink:

Didn’t she have fantastic norks? But this’ll get deleted rapid!

Didn’t she have fantastic norks? But this’ll get deleted rapid!

Why - it’s a good example of driving fast …

What driving? :laughing:

I am concerned about the lack of crash helmets. Okay the driver was wearing one but what about the girl and the two bald guys in front of her, shouldn’t they also have been wearing helmets?

Don’t think the bald guys were wearing seat belts either :neutral_face: