Ghostly experiences

Yup i recon so guardian angels …was woken up early one morning sitting in the cab at a fuel bunker lights blazing ,must have stalled the engine near Dumfries …last thing i could remember was waiting for a ferry at Larne!!
how the hell i got to Dumfries without remembering it ,running with the ferry traffic on that goat track without killing myself or any one is a real mystery.

well…not long after passing my test i was running stone chips to laybys and to be honest we were on bonus so it was balls out all day…
anyway i was running out of Morrington quarry to south o langholm ,so Dumfries ,lochmaben ,Lockerbie route .
The day was going well was out in front o the pack coming out of Lochmaben passed the filling station and just before the old sewage works and the fishermens layby on the opposite side of the road (in them days it was a blind corner) and just before i came up to the corner all i heard was STOP…STOP…(no radio,had the windows up…leyland Clydesdale) so i stood on the brakes and when the corner opened up all i could see was a car sitting in the middle o the road the driver talking to a fisherman!!!.
wi another o our motors heading back to reload.
I was able to pull up no problem and the rest o the chargers behind did the same,normally i would have came round the corner wi no chance to stop :open_mouth:
I unloaded at the old road and the rest o the guys came over and asked how the hell did i know the car was there ■■?
It was one o the weirdest things that ever happened to me hearing the voice shouting stop, i more than likely would have died that day hitting the car and the hard chargers behind would have ran intae me as well…to this dayi still cant figure it out. jimmy.

I had a similar experience.

Way back in about 1966 I was travelling back from Leicester to Spennymoor, in thick fog. I was driving a Morris 2 tonner FG with an integral pantechnicon body, iit was about 9-00pm and dark and as I said very foggy, and visibility was very poor, The FG had the 3.8 litre 4 cylinder diesel engine, and anyone who has driven one will confirm were deafening, and all I could hear was the drum drum drum of the engine. I was on the A! just past Ferrybridge travelling blind along the dual carriageway when suddenly above the noise of the engine I heard a shrill whistle.

I instinctively slowed down and in the shadows I saw an artic of Davidsons (Direct Transport) of Shilden had jacknifed and blocked the carriageway, Police were shining torches at me and guided me onto the centre reservation round the wagon. Since that time I have asked what sort of whistle the police could have used for me to hear in that noisy cab, and noone can tell me. If I had not heard the noise I would not have slowed down and by the time I had seen the police torches I would have run straight into the side of the trailer.

Somehow someone or something has saved my life

Some years ago going over Standedge heading for Manchester in thick fog a white object suddenly appeared in front of me It gave me quite a shock, anyway when I got into Manchester the fog had cleared & my Mate who was traveling behind me as we were both loaded for the same drop said to me that he had seen a ghost , I said that I had seen it to, When we strated to take the ropes off his load there was a large white Owl on the sheet rack on the top of his cab we had a good laugh about but It did give us both a fright at the time, Regards Larry.

My Chinese mate Tan told me that years ago when he was a young lad
he was walking home from the town to his house,as this was Malaysia
there was jungle on both sides of the road and only the moon to see by.

Anyway he was at the bottom of a hill that led to his house when he saw
a white shrouded figure flying down the hill towards him.

He said he was just about to drop to his knees in fear when he heard
ting ting and a very dark skinned Indian guy wearing a white robe flew
past him on a pushbike. :laughing:

I know its not a ghost story but it always makes me chuckle when he
tells it.

Here is another.

Late 80s I was driving on the M62 when I saw a truck from a company
from the same area as me stopped on the hard shoulder somewhere on
windy hill.

So I dived onto the hard shoulder and walked back in the wind and rain
towards the stricken truck and saw a guy on the nearside of his trailer
tightening the wheel nuts.

He was wearing a yellow oilskin with the hood up and he didnt see me
walking up on him so when I got close enough that he could hear me

Well he spun around in shock holding the wheelbrace but he had a huge
port wine stain on his face and in the dark he looked bloody terrifying
it took all my gumption not to scream like a girl and run for it.

Turned out he was just checking a wheel he thought might of come loose
so I gave him a hand and we both cracked on.

I met him again in the local pub a while later and he didnt look scary at all
minus his serial killer oilskin and wheelbrace. :laughing:

The road is reported to be one of the worst death smash blackspots in Britian. A stretch is apperently built over the ruins of an old monastry, where it is said that the monks still roam the flanking fields displaying their anger.

I used to work with an old boy who was on the wagons in the 70’s and 80’s and did this route regular to get to the A1 from his Barnsley depot. A little after 4am on a summer’s morning, the sun just about up, he approached the crossroads to see what he described as a man in raggy clothing on his knees at the roadside who looked to be having a row with someone’. There was no one else present, and as he neared the man, he sounded his horn at hime before he literally melted into the morning haze. He later learned that there used to be a gallows on the crossroads centuries before.

Whilst driving home from work a little after 1030 at night, taking the same route that i had done for the past 7 years at the same time at night, i approached the old iron bridge that runs ove the River Don in the Old Sprotbrough Gorge just outside Doncaster. The bridge is notorsiously narrow, with the slightest of footpaths on the nearside. As i began the crossing, I saw a man walking away from me on the path with his hands in his coat pocket. Being mindful of his close proximaty to my vehicle, I slowed, and gave him a wider birth as the road would allow. As I came up behind him, I remember thinking ‘thats a bit dodgy on here at this time a night’…as I drew level with him he turned towards the road to what I thought acknowledge my manners. I was then startled to see he had no features on his face and instead just a blurred smudge. I drove on thinking it was my eyes, looking in the mirror…nothing. My house was literally another mile and a half from this spot which i covered in about 60 seconds!!!
I travel the route daily and often scrutinise that spot when passing.

I remember when Swampy and co were trying to stop the Newbury bypass being built, it was on the news about some people being scared witless by “paranormal activity.” The area was near Donington, where a battle and siege took place near the castle (now ruined). I read somewhere there was some sort of ambush near the spot where the tree huggers were camping.

Edit to say done a Google search, the sightings were made by several security staff and a while later, a mass grave was found thought to date from the Battle of Newbury in 1644.