Getting tough on phone use

Forget getting 6 points it appears the police are pushing for the tc to hand out licence suspension.

Guess if does happen then it will make people think twice before using a phone whilst driving

Fine, I’ve no issue with that as long as it’s across the board and also applied to cars and vans.

Same here, why tf would you think it’s a good idea to use a phone nowadays non hands free.
Even if you don’t agree with the official line on being dangerous, it’s been rammed down our necks for ages now, so if you are dumb assed enough to continue with it you deserve all you get.
You see it most days, some people are just terminally ■■■■ thick, and beyond any advice and help.

I don’t care how tough they get, I have seen too many innocents killed because some idiot was either on the phone or texting, in my opinion it should be a long prison term, life if someone dies.
Here it is a $2500.00 fine for just being seen holding a phone and driving.

When did the police start deciding on suitable punishments :open_mouth:

It’s the job of the police to use the power given them to enforce the law not to order people to report to the TC for suspension, it is not and never has been the job of the police to decide who should or should not be suspended.

Personally I hope the TC tells the police to stick to doing the job they’re employed to do and leave the TC to do theirs, though obviously that won’t happen.

What a thick Muppet, too stupid to know about the campaign on phone use after the family that were killed on the A34 when a driver was fiddling with his phone.
He should also get a fine and points for driving wearing a look at me, don’t run me over, hi viz .Numpty brains of a pigeon .
With cargo worth up to a million quid, truck and trailer at £120,000 , I see on a daily basis these idiots with a hand held glued to their ear .
Totally obvlious to their surroundings and potential hazards on the road ahead .
Don’t get me started on Peekaboo I am on the phone cab curtains with poofter tassel and frilly pelmets India restaurant, tarts Boudoir Muppets .

What a thick Muppet, too stupid to know about the campaign on phone use after the family that were killed on the A34 when a driver was fiddling with his phone.
He should also get a fine and points for driving wearing a look at me, don’t run me over, hi viz .Numpty brains of a pigeon .
With cargo worth up to a million quid, truck and trailer at £120,000 , I see on a daily basis these idiots with a hand held glued to their ear .
Totally obvlious to their surroundings and potential hazards on the road ahead .
Don’t get me started on Peekaboo I am on the phone cab curtains with poofter tassel and frilly pelmets India restaurant, tarts Boudoir Muppets .



Don’t get me started on Peekaboo I am on the phone cab curtains with poofter tassel and frilly pelmets India restaurant, tarts Boudoir Muppets .


I agree, bloody poser tarts. :smiling_imp: :unamused: sat slouching in their seats. They want a ■■■■ good kicking, trying to look cool with their Rayban shades, earrings, tattoos, and shorts, and ■■■■ Dutch clacks into the bargain…tossers.!

Give me the driving in a bolt upright position, seat up in the air and back rest vertical, hands at 10 to 2 white knuckle gripping the wheel for dear life, nose pressed to windscreen, earpiece in each lug, wearing a hi viz buttoned up to the neck…The professional look I say.
That’s me nowadays mate… and I don’t look a complete prat in the slightest.

:blush: :blush: :blush: :wink:

It’s long overdue. Every day I see lorry drivers on their mobiles. They deserve to lose their license and hope the police catch more and more until the message gets through.

Can they also fine Tm’s, who knowingly pester drivers all day , knowing full well they are driving …

Fine, I’ve no issue with that as long as it’s across the board and also applied to cars and vans.

And police drivers

Can they also fine Tm’s, who knowingly pester drivers all day , knowing full well they are driving …

Only if it was that the driver HAD to answer.
Much easier just to ignore it, they have trackers what ■■■■ more do they need to keep tabs on you.

What a good idea. Report the driver to a person who drives around the North West as if it’s her very own race track, and drives in an illegal and dangerous manner :blush:

I noticed Texting is becoming more prevalant now, probably because of the media coverage on talking on phone.
I often see drivers swerving back into there side of the road/lane.
Why do it?
Where I live someone has just been jailed for 9 years, killed a cyclist whilst texting about meeting a mate later and taking dog for a walk.
really important.

According to the Senior Traffic Commissioners Statutory document No 6 if caught using a mobile against the legislation and in a commercial vehicle the DVLA will inform the TC who will then suspend for 4 weeks.

DVLA will also issue a warning letter to the holder of a vocational licence if they are caught using a mobile in any vehicle other than a commercial vehicle. A further offence would result in a report to the TC.

I was training with Lancashire Police yesterday and they confirmed they can and will report a driver to a TC if they believe the driver endangered the public by their actions and their standards were below those expected of a professional driver.

Just turn it off

swedens a pretty switched on country ailes ahead of the uk in most aspects of life and they dont have a problem using a phone whilst driving…different if theres an accident etc,but no worries calling and txting whilst driving.
i blame smartphones.
you can txt war and peace on an old nokia without looking and be 99% flawless,but with the touchscreen ones ,you need to be looking at what your txting,plus all the lemmings on faceache etc…ban them,and bring back the old bricks…job done. :slight_smile:

I was training with Lancashire Police yesterday and they confirmed they can and will report a driver to a TC if they believe the driver endangered the public by their actions and their standards were below those expected of a professional driver.

Just turn it off

training with plod sounds ominous there mate…were you getting trained up for a job with H.A or whatever they want to call themselves this week,or was it something a bit more challengine and demanding regarding skill,initiative,and organisational skills,like a traffic cone??.. :slight_smile:

Freely admit to sometimesjuggling the rules slightly but with the phone, it stays in the glovebox. No one needs to be in touch with the world 24/7 and… miss a call? So what? Ring them back when you stop, they’ll still be there, the world wont end because it wasnt answered straight away…

I’ve got a generic Bluetooth ear thingy, cost me 12 quid from well known website. When my phone rings, I can answer it by pressing it once, and call back the last number by pressing it twice. No interaction with the actual phone at all. If phone goes and I don’t feel like answering if road is busy etc., it will go to voicemail. And they can then choose to leave a message or not - their choice, I don’t really care.

I just don’t get why anyone would risk fines / points, disciplinary, record on your file at work, now on office’s radar, or even sacked etc. etc., for the sake of a device that can had delivered to your door for under 15 quid.

Also, as someone else says, traffic desks / tm’s should not be calling you when they know you are on the move. Our place has all the vehicles satellite tracked so they can’t say they don’t know your on the go, but still they phone - Where you at…■■