Getting stir crazy

Sometimes I think I spend too much time on my own and don’t interact enough with other mature people . Ok, with a few exceptions for numptys! most fork lift drivers are reasonable even the odd jobsworth security guard but it doesn’t alter the fact that when I’m alone on the road my mind starts to wander/wonder. I even talk to myself and more worrying is I answer myself although I have never had an argument. :slight_smile:

I find myself thinking crazy and childish things. I got into my head the other day a tongue twister from 20+ years ago and couldn’t stop it from going round my head. :confused:

Mrs puggy wuggy had a square cut punt
not a punt cut square
but a square cut punt
it was round in the middle
and square at the front
Mrs puggy wuggy had a square cut punt.

Is it just me? Do I need more medication? Or do we all have these inane thoughts? :smiley:

Been there, done it, in fact doing it all ways, ask Lucy… :blush: :stuck_out_tongue: :blush:

Cos i’ve treated her like ‘a ship that passes in the day!’, having a moment every time we meet. :frowning:

Ted Glen:
Been there, done it, in fact doing it all ways, ask Lucy… :blush: :stuck_out_tongue: :blush:

Cos i’ve treated her like ‘a ship that passes in the day!’, having a moment every time we meet. :frowning:

Yeah, but let’s be fair here…I’ve been pretty much the same…although driving opposite ways 'round Scunthorpe Rod Mill and still not finding what either of us was looking for was possibly taking it to extremes!!! :wink: :blush: :open_mouth: :unamused: :laughing: :laughing: