Getting on the train at Folkestone


I’m currently sat in the Alps having travelled over last night.

Got to Folkestone about 2215, straight down the “Non HGV” lane, passing hundreds, if not a couple of thousand of trucks trying to get over the channel.

How long does it take when the traffic is backed up to 1/2 mile up the motorway to actually get on a train? My guess is about 3 hours.

As for the rest of my journey, sat with the cruise on 79 and only saw about 20 vehicles until Bourg En Bresse. Totally empty roads.

2hrs to the check in roughly, Tonight it was nearly as bad they use capacity protection,Euro tunnel add to problems like tonight by only running 3 -4 trains in an hr when it’s busy, rare to see that crap train service run at it’s max of 15 trains per hour

tommy t:
2hrs to the check in roughly, Tonight it was nearly as bad they use capacity protection,Euro tunnel add to problems like tonight by only running 3 -4 trains in an hr when it’s busy, rare to see that crap train service run at it’s max of 15 trains per hour

I thought the max was 6 trains per hour?


tommy t:
2hrs to the check in roughly, Tonight it was nearly as bad they use capacity protection,Euro tunnel add to problems like tonight by only running 3 -4 trains in an hr when it’s busy, rare to see that crap train service run at it’s max of 15 trains per hour

I thought the max was 6 trains per hour?

the max is 13 not 15 sorry, 7 in one direction 6 in the other per hour but they have never fully utilized it, 6 per hour in each direction in reality, but more often than not they don’t run that many even when there are ques

Feel for you guys. :cry: :cry: :cry: